Treaty of Versailles Signed
The Treaty of Versailles ended WW1 where Germany was basically blamed for the who world war and ended up losing many things and an army restricted to 100,000 troops and they had to pay reparations. This treaty was meant to prevent another world war but ended up provoking another as Germany slowly fell apart. This led to the Nazi Party and Hitler which THEN leads to the German Invasion of Poland. Obviously Germany doesn't learn too well. -
First Meeting of the League of Nations
Held in Switzerland, the first League of nations meeting is held. The League of Nations was created after WW1 to provide a forum to resolve any internal issues. The United States did not attend and, as voted by the Senate, were not part of the League of Nations. This is historically important because it was the first time many nations had met together and made a place for nations to discuss issues. -
Vladimir Lennin dies leading to Joseph Stalin coming to power
Although Lennin preferred Trotsky over Stalin, Stalin still came to power. Stalin led a strict rule that brought high tensions to Russia while also helping to rebuild what was damaged from WW1. Stalin later invaded Poland and was sending off Lituianians to camps as Hitler had with the Jewish, but Stalin had invaded a year after Hitler leading to a conflict and splitting Poland for both the Soviet Union and Germany. -
Joseph Pilsudski Becomes Virtual Dictator of Poland
Pilsudski was a strong military leader of Poland during the first world war and led to the Polish invasion in Russia in 1914. He wanted to build a stronger Polish army and was very tactical. This event in important because a strong military leader being in power can be very threatening to other countries; especially considering Pilsudksi's history with battle and war. -
Stock Market Crash in New York
The stock market crash led to worldwide economic crisis. This causes a rise in unemployment in Germany (6 million unemployed). Germany's unemployment issue then causes the German people to vote for the Nazi Party in the Riechstag elections. This event is important because later the Nazi Party is a great problem in WW2 and fights along to Hitler's commands of invading Poland and killing millions of Jews. -
1,140,000 Communist Party Members Expelled by Stalin (no exact date)
During Stalin's rule he was very skeptical of people even in his own party. The members of the opposing party were publicly tried to Treason against Stalin as an attempt to get rid of the opposing party. -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
President Paul Von Hindenburg is attempting to calm things down in Germany, as there is much chaos, so he appoints Adolf Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. This is the first big step to Hitler's dictatorship. This event id important because, as said previously, this will later lead to Hitler's dictatorship and WW2. -
German Reichstag Passes Enabling Act
This act gave Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of the law and would lead to the end of Democracy in Germany and set up Hitler's dictatorship. This event led to a lot of violence including the burning of the Reichstag building which was blamed on Communists which of course led to more crisis. This event is important in my eyes because this pushed Germany closer to Hitler's rule and WW2. -
Spanish Nationalists Start the Spanish Civil War
Troops are led in to rebel against the republic; sparking the Spanish Civil War. This war was fought between the Republicans and the Nationalists over a span of about 4 years. The republicans received aid from the Soviet Union while the nationalists were aided by Nazi Germany. This event is important to me because Germany is building allies and aiding other countries so they will support his rule. -
Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica
Aided by Germany Spanish Nationalists bombed Guernica with death and chaos going on for 3 or 4 hours. This is the first look at what Germany is now capable of and is likely to have part of the Spanish aid/ ally when Hitler makes his move towards dictatorship and his Invasion of Poland. -
Spanish Civil War Ends
After years of fighting, the Spanish Republicans raise the white flag and end the fighting.The Spanish king,Alfonso XIII then goes into exile after the people choose to abolish the Second Republic and move to a Liberal Republic. This then meaning that the Nationalists, who had aid from Germany, "won" the civil war and is much more likely to ally with Nazi Germany during WW2. -
German Invasion of Poland
Around 5am 1.5 million German troops enter Poland while U-boats attack Polish Naval forces and German "Luftwaffe" bombed Polish airfields. Although Hitler tried to play it off as a defensive move, Britain and France felt very differently about it and declared war on Germany about 2 days later. Thus beginning WW2. Thanks for that Germany... one World War just wasn't enough I guess.