Years of Crisis

By k.poe2
  • Period: to

    Years of Crisis

  • First Meeting of League of Nations

    First Meeting of League of Nations
    First League of Nations meeting in Geneva, though U.S. does not join
  • Dawe's Plan

    Dawe's Plan
    A plan to solve Germany's reparation problems following World War 1.
  • Germany Enters League of Nations

    Germany Enters League of Nations
    The vote is unanimous.
  • New York Wall Street Crash of 1929

    New York Wall Street Crash of 1929
    This is the largest stock market crash in US history that marks the beginning of the Great Depression
  • Bank of England drops gold standard

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of German Reich

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of German Reich
  • Japan leaves League of Nations

    Japan leaves League of Nations
    After years of disagreement with China, Japan defiantly leaves League of Nations after conflict over Manchuria showing the League of Nations can't do anything.
  • Germany Leaves League of Nations

  • Italy leaves League of Nations

    Italy leaves League of Nations
    Italy follows Japan and Germany in leaving the League of Nations, which further weakens the organization and begins to set the ideal conditions for WW2
  • German troops enter Austria

    German troops enter Austria
    The troops are peaceful at this point in time, and Austria is annexed into Germany the next day, which begins Germany's takeover of Europe.