Treaty of Versailles Signed
Mussolini Marches on Rome
French & Belgian Troops Occupy Germany's Ruhr Valley
General Strike on Great Britain
Wall Street Stock Market Crashes
The price of stock began to decline, on October 18. 12,894,650 shares were traded on that Thursday, and by Tuesday, 16,410,030 were traded. Thousands of investors were wiped out, and billions of dollars were lost.
This is significant, as it segued into the Great Depression. As a result of wealth destruction, people were forced to sell their businesses, and cash in their life savings. The value of investments dropped. This did not only affect America, but had lasting effects across the globe. -
Gandhi's Salt March
The Salt March was nonviolent civil disobedience, which protested British rule. Prior, England placed a heavy tax on India for salt. As a result, Gandhi and his supporters marched to the sea and made their own salt from sea water.
This is significant, as it contributed to India gaining their independence. After this event, Gandhi met with Lord Irwin to call off the satyagraha. Because of this, England recognized Gandhi as a force they could not suppress. By 1947, the Indians became independent. -
Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt as US President
Being elected in times of Depression, Roosevelt immediately acted to bring back public confidence. He issued his "New Deal", which served to reform and improve economy. For example, he created many programs that aimed to provide economic relief, and employ workers and farmers.
The election of FDR is a significant event in US history. He helped get America out of their economic depression. However, even though he tried to stay out of it, Roosevelt was the president that brought us into WWII. -
Hitler Becomes the Last Chancellor of Germany's Weimar Republic
An amazing speaker, Hitler was able to win popularity for his Nazi party, by channeling the discontent with the Weimar government. As chancellor, Hitler got rid of politics, and made Germany a one-party nation. Anyone who was a threat was eliminated.
This event is significant, as it commenced Nazi Germany. Soon after being elected, Hitler's government took on dictatorial powers. As a result of the Nazis, concentration camps opened, individuals were executed, and WWII began. -
Start of Mao Zedong's Long March
During the Chinese Civil War, the Communists broke through the battle lines of the Nationalists. They began a long journey, which stretched a whole year. The march was led by communist, Mao Zedong. Along the way, the Communists faced bombardments, starvation, and daily attacks.
As a result of the Long March, Mao Zedong became the leader of the Communists. After the war he ruled China, and under him, roughly 65 million Chinese died. Therefore, this event is important as it brought a rise to Mao. -
Francisco Franco Attempts to Overthrow Spanish Republic
On July 18, a revolt commenced in Spanish Morocco, and soon spread to Spain. The rebels successfully captured Morocco, northern Spain, and several cities. However, they failed at capturing the capital, Madrid. The Nationalists and Republicans continued to secure surrounding territories, as war broke out.
This is significant, as it started the Spanish Civil War. As a result of the war, millions of lives were lost, and Francisco Franco became leader. Franco served Spain as a dictator until 1975. -
Marco Polo Bridge "Incident"
German Invasion of Poland