League of Nations
The League of Nations formally came into being in 1920, when the Covenant of the League of Nations came into effect. The League of Nations successfully mediated minor international disputes. After the rough times involving the Treaty of Versailles, people looked to the League of Nations to bring stability to the world. The idea of the League was to initiate collective security continued to the Atlantic Charter, which then carried on through today for world peace and security. -
Chinese Communist Party
Benito Mussolini siezes power as dictator of Italy
Benito Mussolini rose to power in 1922 in the wake of world war 1. He became prime minister of Italy and was a strong believer in the Fascist Party. Gradually, he dismantled all democratic institutions. Being a committed socialist, he killed nearly 430,000 people in an attempt to spread his ideas of fascism and socialism. Without becoming prime minister, Mussolini would have never held the power to destroy Italy’s government and military. -
Death Of Vladimir Lenin
Stalin in Power in Russia
Stalin came into power after the death of Vladimir Lenin. He had strong beliefs in Industrialization and pushed them onto Russia. Stalin collectivized farming, had potential enemies executed and also initiated the Cold War by aligning with the US and Britain. Stalin coming into power had a great effect on Russia because he caused a large amount of death and significant damage to the economy of Russia. -
The Great Depression
The great Depression was a severe economic depression in 1929 that occurred after the stock market crashed. Consumer spending and investment dropped which caused unemployment. At the deepest point of the great Depression, over 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half the country’s banks had failed. The Great Depression affected everything we know today and also initiated World War 2. -
Adolf Hitler Appointed German Chancelor
Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party, and chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s emergence as chancellor was a crucial mark of a huge turning point for Germany and ultimately, for the world. His plan was embraced by much of Germany, and was to do away with politics and become a unified one-party state. He began sending out the Gestapo and arranging security forces of Nazi’s. This marked a long road ahead for Germany, especially unfavorable society members and the rest of the world -
Russia Joins the League of Nations.
Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was a war between the current gov. at the time (republicans) and the Nationalists. Nationalists fought with the Catholic Church, monarchists and landowners. Caused by previous struggles and lagging behind Europe in Industry. The war was extremely horrific and was significant to the Spanish government. Helped lead to World War 2. Put the Spanish even further behind neighboring countries. -
Hindenburg Disaster