Treat of Versailles Signed
The First Meeting Of The Leauge Of Nations
The Assembly of the league meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland, the US Is notably absent, the senate having voted against joining the league in November 1919. -
The German Chamber Of Deputies Accepts The Dawes Plan
The dawes plan restructures the schedule of German reparations payments so as to reduce the amount of annual payments, and grants Germany a large loan. -
The Samuel Commission in England Releases it's Report On Coal Mining
The Spanish Monarchy Is Over Thrown
The republic Is born, a provisional government Is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism. -
Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
The German Reienstag passes the enabling act
The enabling act gives Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of law. -
The spanish nationalists begin the Spanish Civil War
General Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, sparking the Spanish civil war. -
Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica
The Munich Pact Is Signed
The Spanish civil war ends
Madrid fails to Francisco Francos forces, effectively ending the Spanish civil war Franco oppressive dictatorship begins. -
German Invasion of Poland