Years of Crisis

  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The world's first international security organization goes into operation. The United States does not join, and Germany and Soviet Russia are not admitted.
  • The Irish war of independence

    The Irish war of independence
    The Irish were promised independence after the war from the United Kingdom. War had been going for 3 years. after the British gave up the Irish got there independence.
  • Transjordan becomes a semi-independent state

    Transjordan becomes a semi-independent state
    The Hashemite Emir Abdullah, eldest son of Britain's ally the Sharif Hussein of Mecca, became ruler of the territory. In 1946, Transjordan received independence and Abdullah became King Abdullah I of Jordan.
  • Stalin rises into power

    Stalin rises into power
    Stalin defeats the last of his major rivals for power in the period after Lenin's death (Jan. 1924). Over time Stalin brings forced industrialization, brutal police repression, purges, and rigid control over foreign Communist parties.
  • Depresstion

    The American stock market crash starts a world-wide Depression, which is at its worst in most of Europe from the summer of 1931 through the end of 1932 and in some places much longer.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japanese armies open a long undeclared war against China in Manchuria. Attempts to restrain Japan through the League of Nations but failed and weakening faith in the international order.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He and his Nazi party are in full command in a matter of months.
  • Russia joins the Leauge

    Russia joins the Leauge
    Soviet Russia finally joins the League of Nations out of concern about the threat from Nazi Germany.
  • Mussolini Abyssinia War

    Mussolini Abyssinia War
    During the international crisis over Italy's invasion of Abyssinia. The League loses much of its remaining credibility. Hitler's support of Mussolini's war brings Germany and Italy into alliance.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    A civil war breaks out in Spain, lasting until 1939. Germany and Italy support the insurgent Nationalist side (Franco) and send arms and "volunteers"; Britain, France, and Russia support the Republican government but only Russia provides any practical assistance.
  • Formation of the Axis

    Formation of the Axis
    The Anti-Comintern Pact loosely connects Germany to Japan and Italy.
  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    It started September 1 1939. The polish army was defeated within weeks of battle. The Germans were armed with 2000 tanks and 1000 planes. France and Britain then declared war on Germany.