Years of Crisis

  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    First international security organization. I think this event is historically significant because they thought the league would lead to stability to the world and made sure war wasn't going to happen again.
  • Washington Naval Conference

  • Fascism in Italy

  • The March on Rome

  • Stock market crash

  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Led Germans to face unemployment and poverty, the Nazi party support increased. This is historically significant because it was a long-lasting economic downturn in history in Western industrialized world, began soon after stock market crash.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany
    President Hindenburg died, Hitler ended up replacing the offices of chancellor and president with a single dictatorial position by declaring himself Führer (leader). I think this is historically significant because he had a great effect on people killing more than thousands.
  • Spanish Civil war

    Spanish Civil war
    War took place in Spain lasted 3 years. I think this is historically significant because it left thousands dead and was a major contributor to sealing the divisions between democracies Britain and France and dictatorships Germany and Italy.
  • The night of broken glass

    The night of broken glass
    Destruction of Jewish businesses and homes in Munich, beating and murder of Jewish men, women, and children. I think this is historically significant because family's were murdered, businesses were ruined.
  • German-Russian non-aggression pact

    German-Russian non-aggression pact
    Protocol that divides Europe into spheres of influence, I think its historically significant because 4 years later Hitler commits suicide,
  • German Invasion of Poland