Year 9 History Timeline Assignment

  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The enlightenment occurred between the 17th and 18th century. The cause of the enlightenment was the peasants or normal people not being satisfied with the usual rules, beliefs or ways of life. The enlightenment broke the alliance between the king and the church and was a new way of thinking like new technologies. If you want to know more about the enlightenment you can go on Wikipedia or just Google search it.
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    James Cook discovering the east coast of Australia in 1770. James Cook found Australia looking for new land for the old world/Europe. James Cook finding Australia was good for the Europeans but it was bad for the Native indigenous people because their bodies was very disputable t diseases .further information about this can be found at
  • The first fleet

    The first fleet
    The first arrived in Australia in May 13 1787. The reason the first fleet came to Australia is because the old world was looking for and they came across. The effect of the first fleet was good and bad, it was good because if it didn’t happen I probably wouldn’t be here in Australia now, it was bad because the indigenous people of Australia were very susceptible to diseases. if you want to research this further you can go on Wikipedia.
  • free settlers

    free settlers
    Free settlers came to Australia in 1788 in the New South Wales penal colony. Free settlers came to Australia because there were too many people in Brittan that meant jobs and food were scares. This had a bad effect on the indigenous people of Australia. If you wanted to know you could search free settler and click on free settler or felon
  • Indigenous

    Indigenous people have lived in Australia for a very on time but the British started to affect them when the first fleet came. They were affected because the British cleared there land and used it for their own things and this was their only source of food. If you wanted to know more about this you could go on this website has text book with useful information.
  • assasination of archduke franz ferdinand

    assasination of archduke franz ferdinand
    On the 28th of June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and as his wife, Sophie, duchess of Hungarian throne, was visiting Sarajevo to inspect manoeuvres of the army. as the motorcade passes through the streets ,gavrilo princip, a member of the Serbian group the black hand, short shot and killed the duke and his wife. This assassination cased the start of world war 1 and it quickly escalated from then.
  • South Australia

    South Australia was discovered by Charles strut in the 1830 but was only declared a colony in 1834 but it was different to other colonies because it was not open to convicts but only to settlers. By 1835 2 whaling station had been established and the first grape vine was planted by 1841 and now South Australia is well known for their wine.
  • South Australia

    South Australia
    The effect of the people in South Australia was that wales were being killed to support the economy. If you want to do some more research on South Australia you can go on the Pearson places history book and on page 206.
  • Battle Of Pinjarra

    Battle Of Pinjarra
    The battle of Pinjarra happened on the 25 of October 1834. The cause of the event was that the European settlers were exploring the land that they have landed on and come across the Bindjareb people. As a response to this the Bindjareb people speared all the cattle stole the entire flower resources and occasionally attacked the odd settler.
  • battle of pinjarra

    battle of pinjarra
    It was a tradition that if a person died they group couldn’t eat their totem food for a year and forty people died this ment that they couldn’t eat forty different foods for a year. Also the Bindjareb people would have been scarred for life. If you wanted to research more you can look at person places on page 206 I found this sight good because it had lots of information.
  • Convict

    Convicts came to Australia because they had committed a crime. They were sent to austral for labour mostly. Because the convicts came to Australia that meant that the backbone of Australia was being built but it was also bad because it had a negative impact to the indigenous people. If you wanted to research this more you could go onto the website convicts transported to Australia.
  • making of a nation

    making of a nation
    All the six states in Australia came to on the 1 of January 1901 and made the commonwealth of Australia. The thing that made this event happen was that all the states came together and wanted to make an independent nation. The effect of this event was the Australia became an independent nation and they all lived happily ever after. I found all this information on Pearson places I think Pearson places is a very good website because it has lots of information if you know what you are looking for.
  • Great Brittan declares war on Germany.

    Great Brittan declares war on Germany.
    Great Brittan declares war on Germany on the 4th of august 1914. The cause of the event was that great Brittan declared war on Germany this action was basically like the trigger of World War 1. Because Australia is an ally of Brittan they had to get involved in the war or they wouldn’t protect them from other countries.
  • Great Brittan declares war on Germany

    Great Brittan declares war on Germany
    The effect of this was good at the start because everyone was happy they were fighting for their country then people quickly realised that it wasn’t all good there were people dying and very bad conditions if you wanted to further research a good website to go on is