The enlightment

Year 9 history timeline assignment

  • Why the enlightenment began?

    Why the enlightenment began?
    The enlightenment began when French philosophers 1650 commented on the results that church does not no everyhing and that there is more to life then what the church say's. After the black death in Europe many people lost confidence with the church due to 1 in 3 people dieing. People started looking for answers and decided that it was time for a change.
  • Effects of the enlightenment?

    Effects of the enlightenment?
    The effects of the Enlightenment are the new beliefs and they are sticking by it. What their ideas wer rules that were created during that period of time. The Enlightenment had created new rovolutions and made people had seen the reason to find new logics. People began to question religion as just scientific theories and they thought that they should have as much freedom as the king and queen do.
  • Period: to


    The exact date is not known but it has been rounded off from 1650 til 1800
  • Involuntary migration

    Involuntary migration
    Involuntary migration was when people that had been put in jail were sent to Australia to do slave work or to be killed. You did not get a choice whether you wanted to be shipped or not you were just shipped no matter how old you were or the crime you had committed.
  • What caused the event?

    What caused the event?
    The build up of prisoners caused them to ship some to Australia and England had no space for them anymore. Once shipped to Australia people had either been killed or turned into slaves. The women were turned into prostitutes.
  • Involuntary migration

    Involuntary migration
    The effect of the event was that many people had died on the voyage over here and many others were killed if they were not slaves. Many people had left England and came to Australia but they did not get a choice. Even children were put on to ships and were forced to be slaves along with the men but the women were prostitutes.
  • Convicts

    In 1788 the first convict ship arrived in Australia with hundreds of convicts coming over from England. The cause of the convicts heading to Australia is the build up of people that have committed fellow crimes. The English needed different places to put prisoners.
  • Convicts

    The first load of convicts headed to Australia, so people thought maybe it would be good if we moved country's as it is a hard life over here in England or Europe. The people that moved got lots of land for houses and aso got extra land if they had children or a partner. Not manyy people could afford the trip over to Australia as it was expensive for all family members to be on the ship.
  • Convicts

    The convicts that were moved over to Australia became slaves or worked for the settlers that moved over to Australia. They would work all day long and not earn any money at all. Also they were not fed very much as the ship with all the food only came every few months.
  • Free Settlers

    Free Settlers
    In 1780 the free settlers arrived and were given tremendous amounts of the indigious peoples land that they have been on for century's. The cause of event was people looking for a better life as it was relatively hard over in their country's. The result was that many people moved and over taking the indigious peoples land leaving them not to happy.
  • Convicts

    Convicts were shipped over to Austraia in 1788 and kept the ships coming for a few years. They were working 12 hour days and not getting paid or fed very much. If the food was low it would be the convicts that suffered allthough they did all the work. Many convicts had died on the way over to Australia as the conditions were bad.
  • Indiginous people

    Indiginous people
    In 1780 after the convicts had arrived free settlers have over taken their land and left them with nothing. They had taken their woman, used them as slaves and just caused stress to all the idigious. The indigious had to move from their homes as the settlers just destroyed everything and made their own houses and towns. The settlers did not even consider letting the indigious keep their lad and build somewhere else.
  • Voluntary Migration

    Voluntary Migration
    Voluntary Migration was when over 15 million English people left their country, homes and family's to look for a better life in Australia.This decision was on their behlaf as they were given the choice wether to move or not and not knowing wether they would have a better life where they were going or not. Many people had died on the way to a better life.
  • Voluntary migration

    Voluntary migration
    In 1620 a second english in America was created down north near Plymouth. A small group named puritans decided that they would establish a new society where anyone and everyone could express their beliefs.
  • What caused the event?

    What caused the event?
    The cause of the event was when everybody had enough of England and were sick of the hard life so they decided to all move out to Australia as free settlers. They were free and were given 30 acres with 10 more acres if you have children and 10 more if you were in a relationship
  • Making a nation

    Making a nation
    The six former British conolies came together from New South Whales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia and Creathed the continent Australia. The states became a new Australian federation. This started the beginning of an indepenant nationhood for the commonwealth of Australia.
  • making a nation(Tasmania)

    making a nation(Tasmania)
    Tasmania got its name from the fierce Tasmanian Devil. In 1803 John Bowen established a second british colony at risdom cove. The next year they moved to hobart. The convicts who escaped usually took up a life of crime and became bush rangers.
  • making a nation(South Australia)

    making a nation(South Australia)
    In 1830 charles sturt took an exploration to the murray mouth. By 1834 the place was declared a colony but not a regular colony, a special colony. William light was to develop the location and the set up of the city of Adelaide.
  • making a nation(Western Australia)

    making a nation(Western Australia)
    In 1827 captain james stirling discovered and explored the swan river on the otherside of the continent. The swan river colony settled in 1829.
  • making a nation(Queensland)

    making a nation(Queensland)
    John Oxley created the moreton bay settlement in 1824 as a settlement for the worse convicts. When Aboriginals and european settlers were to talk there was almost everytime a disagreement or a fight. In 1859 Moreton bbay seperated from New South Whales.
  • making a nation(Victoria)

    making a nation(Victoria)
    The first place they attempted to settle was Port Philip which took place in 1803. David Collins brought 308 convicts, a party of marines and seventeen free settlers. They attempted to make houses and crop areas but they were unsuccessful so they packed and moved to hobart.
  • WWI

    On june the 28th 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assasinated. This began the start of WWI. On a pleasent one afternoon Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie (dutchess of Hohenberg) were visiting Sarajevo when Gavrillo Princip a member of the black hand shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his dutchess wife.
  • Great Britain declared war on Germany

    Great Britain declared war on Germany
    on the 4th of August 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany due to the Germans invading belgium which remained neutral. The effect was Britain declaring war was a part of WWI. Great Britain is allies with Belgium so as soon as they found out about the Germans invading Great Britain sprung to the attack and declared war on Germany.