
Year 9 History Overview

  • Period: to

    Year 9 History Overview

  • Publishment of the 'Social Contract'

    Publishment of the 'Social Contract'
    Cause: Jean-Jacques Rosseau saw a society full of injustices. In France, King Louis XVI was a strong believer in the Church, which had people for centuries to believing in the divine right of kings.
    Effect: The ‘Social Contract’ claimed that everyone born had rights to happiness and freedom, regardless of their social or wealth status. He argued that the government should be run by a republic, a new system run by the people. This book caused great controversy and was immediately banned in France
  • Invention of the Steam Engine

    Invention of the Steam Engine
    Great advances in manufacturing and technology meant that society was evolving from an agricultural economy to one being controlled by the production and distribution of goods using mass production. Invented by James Watt in 1776 it was a symbol of the Industrial Revolution. The Steam Engine would be used until the start of the 20th century, rapidly industrializing Britain. In every aspect of industry, this invention brought an accelerated and more efficient means for production and transport.
  • First Fleet Docks at Sydney Cove

    First Fleet Docks at Sydney Cove
    Before 1788, about 300,000 aborigines lived in Australia. However, when James Cook discovered the east coast in 1770 he reported to the British government that Australia would be a good place for a settlement as Britain's population was exploding and the number of convicts was rising dramatically.
    The establisment of this colony had a catastrophic effect on Aboriginal People. Many died as a consequence of disease and conflict and by 1901 the number of aboriganals dropped from 300,000 to 20,000.
  • Lachlan Macquarie elceted as new Governor

    Lachlan Macquarie elceted as new Governor
    Lachlan Macquaire was elected as Governor of New South Wales in 1810 in order to maintain and establish strong relationships with the Aboriganal people. The idea behind this was to 'civilise' the Aboriganal people so they would accept British leadership and their way of life.
    To achieve this, the government and Macquarie set up a new school for Aboriganal children in 1814 to educate them away from their families. He also introduced the men to farmers and labourers to encourage them to work.
  • Introduction of the 'Bounty Scheme'

    Introduction of the 'Bounty Scheme'
    Cause: Around the time of the 'New World' Settlement, many poor, single men were attracted to the wide, open spaces of Australia. As a result of this for every woman there was 4 men. The Bounty Scheme was designed to attract more women to Australia.
    Effect: By 1838, over 6000 free settlers had come to Australia on the bounty scheme. Unfortunately, greedy shipping agents in England overcrowded ships. Countless bounty ships were shipwrecked on their way to Australia, mostly due to rough seas.
  • The Myall Creek Massacre

    The Myall Creek Massacre
    Aboriginies accused of murdering a European sheperd prompted action from the white people. Eleven convicts/ex-convicts tracked the Aboriginies down to the Myall Creek Cattle Station, where they had taken refuge.
    An on-duty stockman asisted in the brutal murder of 30-40 members of the Wirrayaraay tribe. Some months later, the 11 men were tried for murder, of which 7 were found guilty and hung. It was the first time a white person had been punished for the murder of an Aboriginal person.
  • Lutheran missionaries begin working at the Native Location.

    Lutheran missionaries begin working at the Native Location.
    When the colony of South Australia was established in 1836, the governement supposedly alloted one fifth of all land to the Aboriginal people. However, only small patches were reserved for them. One of these pieces of land was the Native Location, Adelaide.
    Christian Teichelmann and Clamor Schurmann began interacting with indigenous people to gain an understanding of their language and culture. In the end, they set up an indigenous school in Adelaide, encouraging indiegenous children to learn.
  • Australian Rules Football is created

    Australian Rules Football is created
    Cause: Tom Wills, one of the four founders of Australian Football, returned to Australia after schooling in England where he was football captain of Rugby School and a brilliant cricketer. Initially, he advocated the winter game of football as a way of keeping cricketers fit during off-season.
    Effect: The game quickly blossomed. From then, it has develpoed into Austalia's pride and joy, what makes our country unique from the others, Australian Rules Football.
  • One third of Selectors have walked off their Properties

    One third of Selectors have walked off their Properties
    After the government passed Selection Laws in the 1950's it granted settlers, known as selectors to gain squatters land. Although, soon after selectors found it hard to make a living as they had no farming experience and their resources were affected by climate and cost.
    Successful selectors were able to make a decent living of producing grain as railway tracks were soon built to these grain-producing areas. Soon, the excess grain were exported to Britain as Australia had more than enough.
  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Tension had been building between alliances in Europe. Extreme Nationalism is displayed when a country deems themselves superior to other countries and was prominent throughout this time. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated it was all the excuse a country needed to display their superior army.
    When Austria-Hungry declared war on the Serbia, many countries from around the world fought for their alliances resulting in the biggest world war that is said to have shaped our world today.
  • British Cabinet Abandon Gallipoli Campaign

    British Cabinet Abandon Gallipoli Campaign
    Gallipoli was a disaster. The countless landings and naval attacks achieved nothing. After everything put in, approximately 390 000 causualties resulted. Of the 25 725 Australian causualties, 8709 were deaths.
    Ironically, the most successful part of the whole campaign was the evacuation. The Turks had no knowledge of the troops’ departure to the extent that not a single soldier was killed by enemy fire. However, out of this huge catastrophe, our mighty ANZAC was born through bravery and courage
  • America Declares War on Germany

    America Declares War on Germany
    Many factors encouraged America to go to war against Germany. Firstly, a German submarine sank a boat which contained 128 US citizens. This incident was dismissed but a letter found from Germany to Mexico asking them attack America resulted in president Woodrow Wilson declaring war on Germany.
    The size of the US army meant that they could constantly deploy troops. After allied forces signed armistice agreements Germany was fighting alone. Germany signed its agreement on the 11th November, 1918.