year 5 time line activity

By laus5b
  • Joseph Bankers apperas in an English parliament

    Joseph Bankers apperas in an English parliament
    Joseph Bankers apperas in an English parliamentary committee, declareing that he had no doubts whtsoever that NSW was 'in every way adapted to the purpose' of being settled by Europeans,that the natives were peacful and besides that, would' soon abandon the country to the new comers'.
    The British went to Australia and changed the land and people living there already.
  • Robert Sidaways opened the firs theatre in the colony

    Robert Sidaways opened the firs theatre in the colony
    Robert Sidaway, an ex-convict opened the first thaetre in the colony.
    Effects:this lead to modern antertainment and theatre in Australia.
  • The population of NSW now nears 7,000

    The population of NSW now nears 7,000
    The population of NSW now nears 7,000, and a third of the colony from NSW are still dependent on the goverment rations.
  • The british goverment are concerned that matters in NSW. have become to free and easy

    The british goverment are concerned that matters in NSW. have become to free and easy
    The british goverment are concerned that matters in NSW. have become to free and easy, and that convicted criminals now treat transportation as a opotunity rather than a punishment. they sent out commissioner Bigge to ingure more fully.
  • Two catholic priests from Ireland arrive in NSW

    Two catholic priests from Ireland arrive in NSW
    Two catholic priests from Ireland arrive in NSW. It;s their first time since 1804 that catholic mass has been allowed in pulic.
    Effect:Because of this event, I think Australia changed by now letting catholic priests join the public.
  • Governer Borke of NSW introduces annual squatting license fees

    Governer Borke of NSW introduces annual squatting license fees
    Governer Borke of NSW introduces annual squatting license fees
    to regulate land use, and to try and stop squatters from indigenouse australians.
  • First electioions for legislative council in NSW

    First electioions for legislative council in NSW
    First electioions for legislative council in NSW, the colony is on the roadto democracy and representative goverment.
  • Queensland apparts from NSW

    Queensland apparts from NSW
    Queensland apparts from NSW, now comming the only Australian colony to begin life with it's own parliment instead of first spending time as a crown colony.
    Effect:The colony spreads where there are more oppotunities for farming.
  • First Melborne cup horse race

    First Melborne cup horse race
    First Melborne cup horse race. The Sydney outsider, Archer, wins the prize. 710 soverinds and a hand-beaten gold watch.
    Effect:The Melbourn cup prizes are useful to the poor and rich because of the prize.
  • First Aboriginal childeren are inrolled in public schools for the first time

    First Aboriginal childeren are inrolled in public schools for the first time
    First Aboriginal childeren are inrolled in public schools for the first time, making a shift from previouse missionary schooling. In a
    decade there will be atleast 200 aboringinal childeren in NSWs
    public schools.
    Effects:It canged Australia by letting childeren of other cultures in their schools.
  • Australia beat England in cricket on English ground for the First time

    Australia beat England in cricket on English ground for the First  time
    Australia beat England in cricket on English ground for the First time. Birth of 'the Ashes' when an English magazine satirieally
    declares English cricket dead,that it's body shall be creamated
    and it's ashes sent to Australia. Great pride in Australia that the colonal offspring have beaten the Mother Country
  • On the 17th of SeptemgerQueen Victoria prclaimes the commenwealth of Australia.

    On the 17th of SeptemgerQueen Victoria prclaimes the commenwealth of Australia.
    On the 17th of September Queen Victoria prclaimes the commenwealth of Australia.
  • biblyiography