Year 10 History Graph

By nrd1998
  • Ivasion of the Rhineland

    Hitler Invaded the Rhinland to test his boundaries.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • The Anschluss with Austria

    Hitler brings in the Anschluss, this unites Autria and Germany.
  • The Munich Conference

    An meeting that came to the agreement to give Hitler the Sudetanand and Czecheslovakia.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
  • The Allied Declaration Of War

    Great Britain, Australia, France and New Zealand Declare war on Germany
  • Battle Of Britain

    An Air battle waged by Germany
  • Invasion of Malaya

    The Japanese Invade Malaya
  • Bombing of Darwin

    The Japanese Bomb Darwin.
  • Kokoda