By Yaser
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I've born in the 19th of jan 2011
  • My First day in the school

    My First day in the school
    My first day in the school was on 12th sep 1996
  • When I graduted from school

    When I graduted from school
    I've graduated from the school on the 12th of jun 2009
  • Whe I entered the college

    Whe I entered the college
    I entered the the college when I was 17 years old
  • When I got my car license

    When I got my car license
    I've got my license when I was 18 years old, on 15 mar 2010
  • I went to Haj and it was my first time

    I went to Haj and it was my first time
    I went to Haj and it was my first time, at the end of 2010