camal carts
the carts wher inveted in 3000 bc. Sumerian,Egyptians and Greeks invented this. the good of this was it was to carry goods and people. It was important in history because it was in war races and procession. -
this was envented in the 19 centary it aws made for people and goods thats the things that worked better.The way it worked was a majority form of transport.it aws important to history because Railroad services were able to -
horse carieges
this was invented in the 12 centary.the only pwople that can really aford this was the rich and the pregedes.it was important because During the 18th century operation of licensed. -
this was invented in 6000 bc.the people that where abel to get this was the rice people the materal most popular material for shipbuilding. -
2000 bc. the dvelepment was it was faster and better. the way it worked you have to drive it this was important becuse it was an amimal driving them to the places. -
now and day cars
this was invented in 2013. its just like the othr caes just best and nelly and inproved now ther are sill macking cars for the futer. -
better faster car
this was invented in 1963.the people that invnted its was lots of people <since>.the way it works is by ingens then you drive.this was a big change in the history because it was nelly and inproved -
this was in the 19 centary.this was inmortant to history because its still hear and it was a littel faster and funer than the other ones.the way it worked it is you have to balence it to drive it. -
the first car