Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Crimea Conference (also referred to as the Yalta Conference). In order to debate the postwar restructuring of Germany and Europe, the leaders of state of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union met during World War II. The Livadia, Yusupov, and Vorontsov palaces in Crimea, Soviet Union, close to Yalta, served as the venue for the summit. It lead to an effect where the U.S, the S.U, the U.K, and France decided to divide Germany into four zones of occupation.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The three leading Allies were able to plan the postwar peace at the Potsdam Conference while avoiding the errors of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States took part.To negotiate the terms of the end of World War II, the Potsdam Conference was held in Potsdam, Germany. The failure of the conference to resolve the majority of the pertinent issues helped pave the way for the Cold War, which would break out shortly after World War II.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    Hiroshima Bombing
    The first deployed atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by an American B-29 aircraft. An estimated 80,000 people perished in the explosion directly, while tens of thousands more perished from radioactive exposure.The Hiroshima Bombing not only put an end to World War II, but also the Cold War.The two most powerful superpowers in the world were forced into a new conflict by the atomic bomb's immense power.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    An additional A-bomb was detonated on Nagasaki three days later after the bombing of Hiroshima by a second B-29, killing an estimated 40,000 people. In a radio address on August 15, Japan's Emperor Hirohito declared the end of World War II and cited the devastating impact of "a new and most merciless bomb."
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    The Soviet Union established the Molotov Plan in 1947 as a means of assisting in the reconstruction of Eastern European nations that shared its political and economic objectives (aka satellite state).The strategy was to develop Comecon and a network of bilateral trade agreements in order to bring socialist nations together economically. The lan was able to restructure their commerce to the Soviet Union as a result of this aid, which enabled countries in Europe to stop depending on American aid.
  • End of the Cold war

    End of the Cold war
    The Cold War came to an end with the Soviet Union's collapse and its military withdrawal from Afghanistan and Eastern Europe. The Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989 and 1990, borders were opened, and Communist governments were toppled across all of eastern Europe by free elections. The Soviet Union itself broke up into its constituent countries in late 1991. The Cold War ended abruptly with the lifting of the Iron Curtain.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg signed the Brussels Treaty in 1948 to establish an alliance for collective defence. NATO and the Western European Union were subsequently established as a result. The treaty aimed to encourage the United States to participate in the security of western Europe by demonstrating that western European nations could cooperate.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a 1948 American effort designed to give Western Europe foreign assistance. After World War II, the U.S gave Western European economies about $13 billion in economic recovery projects.In response to this crisis, Secretary of State George Marshall suggested in a speech at Harvard University, that the United States offer financial aid and that European countries develop a plan for their economic rehabilitation. The effect has been cited as the beginning of the Cold War.
  • Berlin Block Aid

    Berlin Block Aid
    The Berlin Black Aid was an effort by the Soviet Union in 1948 to restrict access for travellers from the United States, Great Britain, and France to their respective parts of Berlin, which were completely located inside Russian-occupied East Germany.The block aid not only proved to be completely ineffectual, but it also had additional unintended consequences for the Soviets. It caused real war apprehensions in the West. As a result, it accelerated the allies plans to set up the state.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The American foreign policy known as the Truman Doctrine promised to "help democracies against authoritarian dangers." During the Cold War, the doctrine's main objective at its inception was to restrain Soviet geopolitical development.The United States' Cold War involvement had a legal foundation thanks to this new doctrine.The Americans pushed Turkey to oppose Soviet claims to ownership of naval sites in the Bosphorus by implementing the containment doctrine.
  • NATO

    With 30 members—28 European and 2 North American—the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is an intergovernmental military alliance. All of this was done in an effort to lessen the threat that the S.U. at the time posed. Twelve nations from Europe and North America gathered in Washington in 1949 to sign the founding treaty of the Alliance. NATO concentrated on collective defence and safeguarding its members from potential Soviet Union threats during the Cold War.
  • Soviet creation of nuclear weapon

    Soviet creation of nuclear weapon
    First Lightning (ерва мoлни, or Pervaya Molniya) was the internal codename for RDS-1, the first Soviet atomic test, which took place on August 29, 1949. Joe 1 was the American codename for the test. The TNT/hexogen implosion lens design was strikingly reminiscent of the first US "Fat Man" plutonium bomb. The USSR conducted its initial atomic bomb test during this period. As a result, the two superpowers competed to acquire the most potent nuclear weapons.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was fought between North Korea and South Korea from 1950 to 1953. The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following clashes along the border and rebellions in South Korea. As it was the first time the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, engaged in a "proxy war" in a third country, the Korean War was a significant event in the Cold War. Other Cold War battles, like the Vietnam War, incorporated the proxy war or "limited war" tactic.
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    Following a brief illness, Stalin passed away unexpectedly in early March 1953, as detailed in a number of medical bulletins in the Soviet newspaper Pravda. According to the clinical history and the results of the autopsy, Stalin had suffered a severe hemorrhagic stroke that affected his left cerebral hemisphere. Stalin left an impossible legacy, both monetarily and in terms of security, he claimed, and his death marked the beginning of the downfall of the Soviet Union.
  • Fidel Castro taking over

    Fidel Castro taking over
    Cuba's leader, Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, was a politician and revolutionary from Cuba. Castro took a big part in the Cuban Revolution after returning home by commanding the Movement in a guerilla war against Batista's army from the Sierra Maestra. He became Cuba's prime minister and seized both military and political authority following Batista's coup in 1959. Castro also joined forces with the S.U and permitted them to station nuclear weapons in Cuba, which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Warshaw Pact

    Warshaw Pact
    The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, also known as the Warsaw Pact or Treaty of Warsaw, was an agreement for collective defence signed in May 1955 in Warsaw, Poland, by the Soviet Union and seven other communist countries. With the help of the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union was able to maintain its control over the other signatory nations and to command a single military force.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Between 1 November 1955 and 30 April 1975, when Saigon fell, there was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia known as the Vietnam War. Officially, North Vietnam and South Vietnam engaged in the second of the Indochina Wars. The Cold War environment was significantly changed by the Vietnam War. The Americans, Soviets, and Chinese all changed the mood of the Cold War as it was the biggest, bloodiest, and longest combat to occur throughout the Cold War.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The 1956 Hungarian Revolution, sometimes referred to as the Hungarian Uprising, was a nationwide uprising against the Soviet Union-imposed domestic policies and the Hungarian People's Republic government. The Soviet Union did not experience major international repercussions as a result of the suppression of the Hungarian Uprising, but the event had a significant impact on the Eastern Bloc and internal Soviet affairs.

    The North American Aerospace Defense Command, formerly the North American Air Defense Command until March 1981, is a joint US-Canadian agency that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for both countries' continental lands. This time, it was the height if the Cold War. Additionally, marine warnings were added to NORAD's role. The naval forces of the two nations continue to be governed independently.
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    Cuban exiles attempted to invade Cuba in 1961, but their Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failure. It was secretly funded and orchestrated by the United States government. The communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro was to be overthrown. With that said, the CIA and the US State Department have been trying to depose Castro since 1959. Due to the invasion's failure, Castro's government was better positioned to openly declare its intention to adopt socialism and pursue closer ties with the Soviet Union.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    Nikita Khruschev, the leader of the Soviet Union, advised East Germany to block off access between East and West Berlin in order to stop the exodus to the West. More than 30 miles of barbed wire were installed by East German soldiers through the centre of Berlin on the night of August 12–13, 1961. A standoff between American and Soviet forces on each side of the diplomatic checkpoint soon after the wall was built resulted in one of the most heated periods of the Cold War in Europe.
  • End of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    End of the Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cold War standoff involving the S.U. and the U.S during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 was the closest the two superpowers ever come to a nuclear exchange. The crisis was exceptional in a variety of respects, with both accurate and incorrect calculations. The Hot Line was established as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Between Moscow and Washington, DC, is made possible by this link. It was to create a communication channel between the two main Cold War rivals.
  • Nuclear Arm Treaties

    Nuclear Arm Treaties
    The NPT is a historic international agreement whose goals are to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons, and advance the cause of general and complete disarmament. The US government's choice to create a hydrogen bomb, which was tested for the first time in 1952, plunged the country into a never-ending arms race with the S.U. Many Americans were terrified that nuclear war might break out at any moment because of the arms race.
  • Afghanistan/Soviet War

    Afghanistan/Soviet War
    Insurgent forces collectively known as the Mujahideen, as well as smaller Maoist groups, fought in the Soviet-Afghan War (1979–1989) against the military occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union and their satellite state, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA). In the end, the invasion of Afghanistan and the ensuing escalation of hostilities with the west contributed to the fall of communism not just in Russia but also in the rest of Europe.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    Solidarity was a sizable anti-authoritarian social movement that promoted workers' rights and social change in the 1980s by engaging in acts of civil resistance. Early in the 1980s, the Polish government attempted to dismantle the union by imposing martial law there. As a result of Solidarity's influence, anti-Communist sentiments and movements grew stronger and expanded throughout the Eastern Bloc, damaging the Communist governments in those nations.
  • Berlin Wall falling

    Berlin Wall falling
    With the Solidarity Movement in Poland coming before it, the fall of the Berlin Wall during the Peaceful Revolution, was a crucial moment in world history that symbolised the dissolution of the Iron Curtain. The wall, which separated families and restricted mobility, was swiftly denounced by the United States. One of the tenseest periods of the Cold War in Europe occurred shortly after the wall was constructed due to a standoff between American and Soviet forces.
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Czechoslovakia Revolution
    The Velvet Revolution, a November–December 1989 statewide protest movement in Czechoslovakia, brought an end to the nation's more than 40 years of communist governance. Eastern Europe experienced an uprising against communist government in 1989.
    The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia was significant in the sense that it delayed the splintering of Eastern European Communism and was concluded without provoking any direct intervention from the West.