• The Flash Drive

    Designed by Shimon Shmueli and later manufactured by Trek 2000 International, the flash drive allowed users to hold and transfer small bits of data via a USB device.
  • What's sweeter than a Blackberry?

    Created by Research in Motion, the Blackberry took the cellphone age to new heights. Gone were the days of 100 pound bricks, in were compact devices with the iconic keypad. Texts, calls, and even limited web browser all in a compact device.
  • My space your space we all space for Myspace

    When Tom Anderson created Myspace, a new online frontier emerged. As the first major social site, Myspace laid the foundation on how people would interact with one another online.
  • Who took a bite of my apple?

    With Steve Jobs behind the wheel, Apple released their first generation Iphone to the world. With touch screen capabilities the power of a pocket computer finally came into fruition.
  • Are you sure it's not a bubble?

    The first access of Bitcoin released into the world. In terms of computer history the idea of an E currency backed by technology blockchains left many with more doubt than anything else. However looking into todays world, we see that people being able to use their computers for more than just online shopping and creating their own unique coins has led to many advancements.