XX century

  • Einstein published his theory of general relativity

    Einstein published his theory of general relativity
    In 1905 he published his theory, the most significant idea is that he introduced a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time. Some years after Einstein published the gravitational field equations of general relativity, the so-called Einstein equations.
  • Henry Ford installs the first assembly line

    Henry Ford installs the first assembly line
    In 1913 Henry Ford combined interchangeable parts with subdivided labor and fluid movement of materials to create his moving assembly line was very important because the people could have more cars.
  • Panama Canal opens (for the first time)

    Panama Canal opens (for the first time)
    At the beggining of the construction in 1881 it was started by France but then because engineering problems and a high worker mortality rate the stooped working but then USA continue and it helps the travels in boats between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
  • The Decree on Land was announced by Lenin

    The Decree on Land was announced by Lenin
    The Decree on Land, written by Vladimir Lenin, was passed by the Second Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants'. It decreed an abolition of private property, and the redistribution of the landed estates amongst the peasantry.
  • WW1 ended with an armistice

    WW1 ended with an armistice
    The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was the armistice signed at Le Francport near Compiègne that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany. This became known as Armistice Day - the day Germany signed an armistice (an agreement for peace) which caused the fighting
  • Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military coup and became dictator

    Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military coup and became dictator
    Miguel Primo de Rivera was a dictator aristocrat from 1923 to 1930, and he led a Mussolini-inspired military cup and he did it because he promised to eliminate corruption and to regenerate Spain.
  • Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin
    This event was significant because in that year Alexander Fleming got the penicillin that year he didn't receive the Nobel of Medicine but some years after he received because the penicillin could use by antiseptic.
  • Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany

    Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany
    On January 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or führer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany. The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War.
  • Spanish civil war starts

    Spanish civil war starts
    The war began after a pronunciamiento (a declaration of military opposition) against the Republican government by a group of generals of the Spanish Republican Armed Forces, this war was led by Francisco Franco
  • The end of Spanish Civil War

    The end of Spanish Civil War
    It was a offensive final. On 5 March 1939, the Republican Army, led by Colonel Segismundo Casado and the politician Julián Besteiro, rose against the Socialist prime minister Juan Negrín, and formed a military junta, the National Defence Council to negotiate a peace deal.
  • The invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland
    The invasión Poland marking the World War II. The invasion was referred to by Germany as the 1939 Defensive War (Verteidigungskrieg) since Hitler proclaimed that Poland had attacked Germany and that "Germans in Poland are persecuted with a bloody terror and are driven from their homes. The series of border violations