An Unexpected Birth!
A baby girl was born in a village in the city of Luoyang which is a well-known place for incomparable national flower--peony and ancient capital city of 9 dynasties, in central part of China. She was expected to be a boy and if not, she would be adopted by others based on her grandfather's command. But she was kept by her strong-willed mom finally! But her birth caused her mom to lose her decent teaching career due to violation of "one child" policy. -
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An Eventful Life Journey
A daughter, a mother, a student and a teacher! -
Spoiled Child life
She was a boyish girl, shining like a star in the primary school and her small village. She had courage to fight with boys and be a monitor managing the class. She also had good academic and artistic performance, participating many academic contests and festival performances. She was active and proud! -
Shy But Rebellious!
Since middle school, she became more introverted and feminine to the outsiders, keeping distance from all boys and living in her inner world, self-centered and sensitive. Unpredictable and rebellious, she had very little communication with her parents! -
The First Life-Turn!
She left home for a far-away city to pursue college degree, and English Education became her major which was a choice made by her father. But he would never know he set a life-long direction for her spoiled and rebellious daughter! He changed her life track with sacrifice of his life! She realized too late! -
Meeting Her Mr. Right!
An accidental meeting in summer vocation composed a long-lasting love story! It was on a Teacher's Day in China that he sent her the first gift of love and brought her into the mysterious military life! More importantly he saved her from desperate and short-visioned life! He gave her chance to be a gentle and care-free girl! -
Their Love Was Tested by SARS!
A serious national SARS broke out in China, which didn't stop his traveling from another city to visit her. SARS tested his love to her and she decided to follow him to move to another city! -
Crazy Life In The Ivory Tower!
She began to be more independent and force herself to be more extroverted and strong again like what she had been in primary school, in order to create a better future for herself without her father's help. She once felt desperate and helpless. She threw herself into a crazy busy life, working and studying, purposeful and stressful! She had numerous part-time jobs. She had her first love story, but it was short! -
Another Three Years' Ivory Tower Life!
She got married during gradate study in the city where he was working in China. He provided her with a stable and burden-free life. Except study in the university, she had no worries and pressure of life any more! She lived like a princess as in her heart, her husband had a magic wand! -
Uncharted Journey to Beijing
Due to her husband's job promotion very suddenly, she moved to Beijing with her husband during the time of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. A novel life started from scratch! She began to work in the field of "going abroad to study", but she hadn't thought she would be one of them one day. -
She Turned To Be A College Teacher!
After graduation, she got her formal job in a university. She liked her students and teaching job and enjoyed her family life! She was selected "Teacher of the year" in May 2008! -
The First Baby Finally Came!
She had her first baby after 4 years of expectation, which was long and difficult. She resigned at home and looked forward to the safe birth of her first child. Since then, she suddenly grew up and got more mature! -
Meeting BRS - Her Second Lover!
After 10 months of her first child's birth, she met BRS and began to love this school incrementally! She realized again that she loved teaching and being with students after two years of staying at home! -
Experience and Growth in BRS!
She witnessed the dramatic development of this unknown school to grow to be a well-known private school under the leadership of a passionate and respected principal, and she was growing in all around way. She was encouraged by the principal to go to America to study! -
Unexpected Second Child!
She was born as an unexpected child. It was out of her plan she would have a second child. When he came, she knew it's her fate and her responsibility! After inner struggles, she decided to keep him as what her mother has done for her 33 years ago! -
Appointment with NCSU
Her second child delayed her plan but also gave her more momentum to pursue her study abroad, not only for her students, her school, her principal, but also for herself as a mom. She became more independent, generous, brave and strong!