Xavier Rogers 7 US1

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    4 bills signed by John Adams that caused it to be harder for new immigrants to vote including new powers to deport foreigners.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Initially Americans support the french revolution due to it being inspired by the idea of not being under the rule of a monarch
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    Presidency of George Washington

    George Washington becomes the first president and holds that position for 2 terms(8 years) and leaves to his farm in Vermont.
  • The Judiciary act of 1789

    It created the judicial structure we're still using today. It provided a supreme court with a chief justice and 5 associate justices.
    3 federal circuit courts.
    13 federal district courts were placed throughout the country.
  • Fist Bank of the United States is created

  • Period: to

    Presidency of John Adams

    John Adams becomes the second president of the still new united states and holds that position for a single term(4 years).