WWll Timeline

By louisC.
  • Period: to


    Unification of Austria and
  • Period: to

    Munich Conference

    GB and France give Hitler
  • Period: to

    Nonaggression Pact

    Germany and USSR agree
    not to fight
  • Period: to

    Germany Invades Poland

    Start of WWII
  • Period: to

    Miracle at Dunkirk

    338,000 troops escape
    German capture
  • Paris Captured

  • Battle of Britain

  • Kasserine Pass

  • Germany declares war on U.S.

  • German Invades USSR

  • U.S. declares war on Japan

  • Pearl Harbor

  • Doolittle Raid

  • Battle of Midway

  • Battle of Starlingrad

  • Rome Falls

  • D-Day

  • Iwo Jima

  • V-E-Day

  • Atomic Bombs are dropped

  • V-J Day

  • Battle of the Buldge