Lead to WWll Rex

  • Vlecimir Lenin takes over Russia

    Led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Wanted to change the lives of the people
  • Hitler publishes Mein Kampf

    The plans for institute of the Nazi Party. This was how he gained a lot of followers
  • Benito Mussolini comes to power

    Adolf role model. Was the first one to governor this way
  • Treaty of Versailles

    It caused Germany to take the blame. They thought it was unfair.
  • Joseph Stalin becomes leader of soviet union

    Rose to power when Lenin died. Want to change the was the country was run.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Keeps each county neutral. This was mainly if attacked by another countries.
  • The Great Depression

    Economic problems. People were looking at groups of a certain people to blame
  • Adolf Hitler comes to power

    Hitler takes over Germany. He institute fascism
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Start of WWll in Europe. His is when more countries began joining
  • Japan attck’s Pearl Harbor

    Japan attack’s Harbor of Hawaii. This is why the USA joined the war