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  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versallies was a peace treatys made at the end of WWl. It ended the war betwene germany and the allied nations.
  • rise of hitler

    rise of hitler
    Adolf Hitlerruled as dictator from 1933 to 1945 Hitler turned Germany into a powerful war machine and started WWll in 1939 He donqueredmost of Europe before he was defeted on 1945
  • Czechoslovakia crisis

    Czechoslovakia  crisis
    hitler's rise to power inceaced the minoity tensions in czecchoslovakia. hitler encouraged the Sudeten Germans to demand self rule and the nazi party caused enough trouble that the czechs had to send in an army
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    THis agrement was reached between Italy, Germany, Britain and france and it foced czechoslovakia to gige up part of its territory to germany
  • invation of poland

    invation of poland
    germany forces invaded poland poland suffered widespred death and distruction during the war and only lasted 1 month the polish army was defeted quickly and remained under German ocupation until 1945
  • invation fo france

    invation fo france
    germany brought war th western europe eith the primary goal of conquering france german air forces then destroyed defence on the ground france was finaly defeted on june 22 1940 when france signed an armistice with germany
  • Battle of Britan

    Battle of Britan
    after the defeat of france the prime minister of britan demanded that they take up arms. on july 19 1940 germany comenced an arial atack on britan starting the first all areal battle
  • invation of Soviet Union

    invation of Soviet Union
    under the code name oporation barbosa hitler successfully infeltrated the soviet union with the intention of complet destruction and with almost 1 milllion there victory seamed certain but after almost a year russia did not give up and eventuly drove germany out
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a devastating suprise attack on the US military by the japanese the attack destroyed 20 ships 300 planes and killed over 2500 people the US then declared war on japan officially bringing them into the war
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    6 months after pearl harbor the US cracked the japanise military code and intercepted a transmition of a plan to ttack mid way. with time to prpare the US sent out 3 hevy aircraft cariers to intercept the japanise attack after 3 long days of battle the japanise were destroyed and the US had victory
  • oporation overlord

    oporation overlord
    oporation overlord was the codename for a attack on Nomandy beach made by the US, Britan and Canada. the plan was to send enough troops in that they coud not posibly lose once they had taken over the beach they would invade france and take it back from the germans. They sucseded and it is comonly known as the beining of the end of the war
  • Okinawa

    the battle of okinawa is known as the bloodiest battle of the war it was alsow the last and bigest of the Pacific iland battles japan used the more kamakazis in this battle than any other but eventuly japan was defeted
  • Hiroshima

    on july 26 the alied nations demanded the unconditional surender of japan with the alternative of compleat destruction japan ignored the demands. on august 6 the US droped the first of two atomic bomds on hiroshima it destroyed 5 square miles and kiled 146,000