Machine gun firing 1


  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    One of Adolf Hitler's first major foreign policy initiatives after coming to power was to sign a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1934. This move was not popular with many Germans who supported Hitler but resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. However, Hitler sought the nonaggression pact in order to neutralize the possibility of a French-Polish military alliance
  • Britian and France Declare War on Germany

  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    France had thought that Germany would attack along the German-French border just like during World War I. Thinking this, France built the Maginot Line, a series of forts that were joined by underground tunnels backed up by pillboxes and barbed wire. The French built these defenses to keep the Germans out. Almost the entire French army was there waiting to fight.
  • Miracle at Dunkirn

    Miracle at Dunkirn
    The advancing German army traped 330,000 Freanch and British soldiers were traped on the beaches around Dunkirn.
  • Battle of Britain Begins

    Battle of Britain Begins
    Hitler starts his blitzkrieg assult on britain
  • Battle of Britain Ends

    Battle of Britain Ends
    The british fend off the germans and get back on the offensive with a boosted sence of moral
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    pearl harbor was bombed by the japanese on december 7th 1941. the japanese thought that by bombing the americans they would lose their moral and not enter the war
  • U.S.A Enters the War

    U.S.A Enters the War
    Japans atempt th knock the U.S. oout of the war before ther even got in it was a complete failure and forced the U.S. to go into the war
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The Battle of Midway fought over and near the tiny U.S. Pacific base at Midway Atoll. It represented the strategic high mark of Japan's Pacific Ocean war. Prior to this action Japan possessed naval superiority over the United States and could usually choose where and when to attack.
  • Raid on Dieppe

    Raid on Dieppe
    The raid on Dieppe was the allied assult on the German occupied port in Dieppe France that gave the allied forces valuble information on german defence tatics.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Germany begins its assult on stallingrad.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forces launch their counter attack on Germany. the assult took place on the beaches of normandy.
  • End of World War ll in Europe

    End of World War ll in Europe
    who: Germany
    what: surenders to the allied forces
    where: in Germany
    why: Germany was in ruines and they had no chance of winning
    impact on the war: it ended the war in europe
  • Hiroshima

    The first atomic bomb was droped on Hiroshima by the U.S.
  • Nagasaki

    The U.S. drops the seciond atomic bomb on Nagasaki
  • End of World War ll

    End of World War ll
    who: Japan
    What: Japan surenders
    Where: Japan
    Why: the Japanese army was destroyed and japan was going to be destroyed with it if they didnt surender
    impact on war: ended world war ll