US steps into Japan's aggression in Asia
1940, July: US steps into Japan’s aggression in Asia, eventually an embargo that cut the major supplies for Japan’s war efforts -
US intercepts messages from Japan
US intercepts messages from Japan and is informed that Japan is planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. -
Government commands the soldiers in Hawaii to prepare for defense of the islands.
The Japanese realize that the Americans have been reading their codes.
The first wave of Japanese attacks hit Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor BombingThe first wave of Japanese attacks hit Pearl Harbor. The surprise attack hit Pearl Harbor hard, and they could not defend it. -
The United States and the Britain declare war on Japan
The Axis Power declares war on the US
The Axis Power, Germany, Italy, and Japan declare war on the US. The US officially enters the WWII as a member of the allied power. -
American bombers destroy 250000 buildings and kills 83000 in Tokyo Japan.
The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
The Hiroshima atomic bomb is dropped on Japan, killing 180000. -
The Nagasaki Bomb
The second atomic bomb is dropped on Japan called the Nagasaki due to the delayed surrender. 80000 were killed. -
MacArthur enters Tokyo