WWII timline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    A treaty to where Germany paid financially, disarm, lose territory, and give up all over sea colonies. It is significant because Germany have paid for their damage.
  • Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy

    Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy
    He started out as a revolutionary socialist, and later became a journalist and editor of newspapers. In 1919, he created an armed fascist movement in Italy, and declared himself Prime Minister in 1922. The significance was fascist dictator Benito Mussolini of Italy was a role model and inspiration to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party in Germany.
  • Mein Kampf is published

    Mein Kampf is published
    The book was about the process of Hitler becoming antisemitic, and his political plans for the future of Germany. The significance of it was that it did good for Germany for the Nazi's.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Hindenburg agreed to make Hitler chancellor after the elections of July and November that had not responded in a formation of the majority of the government. The significance of it wad that Germany was stronger and got more victories.
  • “Knight of the Long Knives” Hitler consolidates power

    “Knight of the Long Knives” Hitler consolidates power
    It was a purge of the SA leadership and other political rivals. The significance established Hitler as supreme administrator of justice of the Germans.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

     Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia, it launched a war that would direct Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie into exile.The significance of the invasion was it made Ethiopia secure its independence and started the anti-colonialist movement.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    They were trying to find raw materials to power their growing industries. The invasion led to the Second-Sino Japanese war that increased tension before WWII.
  • Japanese Rape of Nanjing

    Japanese Rape of Nanjing
    A massacre of purging and killing men, women, and children. And raping females of all ages. The significance that it is too much of a historical event to be ignored or misunderstood.
  • Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel

     Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel
    A meeting for an agreement for military to cooperate and give mutual defense support between Germany and Italy. They both got beneficial things from it to help each other during the war.
  • Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II

    Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II
    A joining attack on the Republic of Poland by Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union. The significance of it is because it started WWII
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
    It was a defense alliance between the countries. The significance of it was deterring the entrance of The United States into the war.