German invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland officially starting WWII -
German invasion of France
Germany invades France and defeats them in just 6 weeks. -
Battle of Britain
British and German forces battled in the skies above Britain with the British ultimately winning and preventing a ground invasion. -
Germany invades Soviet Union
In June 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union to try and annihilate communists and Soviet Jews. By early December they reached Moscow however on December sixth the Soviets launched a massive counter attack driving the Germans away from Moscow. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
On December seventh 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Navy in Hawaii. -
Japanese American Internment
In 1942 F.D.R signed executive order 9066 which forced all Japanese-Americans to evacuate the west coast and be put in internment camps -
Bataan death march
After the battle of Bataan in which Japanese forces starved out American and Philippino troops after which they made them march 65 miles to a prison camp. -
D-Day Invasion
In June of 1944 the allied forces landed at Normandy and by August had made it to the Seine and liberated Paris -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Due to the need for a base near Japan in February 1945 the United States invaded Iwo Jima and a month later won it from Japan. -
Manhatten Project
Beginning in 1941 the Manhattan Project was a secret operation to create a nuclear bomb. In July of 1945 the first bomb was tested before later that year two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan forcing their surrender