WWII timeline project_kevin bennett

  • Holcaust

    This was during the rain of dictatorshp. The holcaust had some inhumaun way of treating jews they put them in places called consentration camps.it last through out WWII.
  • Non-agrassion pact

    This was pact that kept Russia and Gearmany from fighting. But it never states of how long the pact will last. The pact never last as long with Gearmany break there end of the deal. Break the promise Russia declared war on Gearmany and ultmatily joins the allied.
  • Garmany invads poland

    poland was taken over by Garmany. During this time poland was having the own civil war. the country were divided some parts of poland in fact did help Germany(the parts that want fashism).The other side fought along side with russia. But Germany's invations was a sucsess.
  • Blitzkrieg

    The Blitzkrieg wa an arial attck on london by Germany. Garmany had plan an attck on london. There was tons of destroyed billdings and debre every where. This weaked england forces to give Germany The upper Hand. This tactic servered Germany well.
  • Parl harbor

    The bombing of parl harbor was starting point of the U.S envolvment in the war. Japan was able to get to hawii and bomb Parl Hobor. How they did this was make the U.S think there will be a peace treaty establish. Whaile that was all happening Japan was working on how to get in into hawii unseen.
  • Victory in Europe Day

    It was the victory Europe. This date was the date of celebation for the Europaens. This victory was the beginning of the end of WWII.
  • VJ-Dy

    Known as The day Japan surrendered ending the WW11. The Japanese Navy was no longer able to conduct major operations and a invasion of Japan was about to happen so they surrendered. The signing of the surrender document was September 2,1945.
  • warsaw pact

    warsaw pact was military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Its really just a peace treaty on socialism.