WWII Timeline Period 3

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty forced Germany to surrender colonies in Africa.
  • Hitler Voted to Power in Germany

    Hitler Voted to Power in Germany
    Because of the Enabling Act, he was given the freedom to act freely without parliamentary consent and he didn't have to abide by the constitutional limitations. The Enabling Act occurred because of the Reichstag Fire. Hitler burned the government building down and blamed it on Russians. This gave him the power to act freely.
  • Hitler's Olympics

    Hitler's Olympics
    Hitler and Germany hosted the summer olympics, expecting that they would come out victorious, but US track athlete, Jesse Owens, took the top spot out of the hands of the Germans, so Hitler didn't call that olympics a success.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    This invasion of Poland was a joint attack by Nazi German, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union. This invasion was the beginning of WWII
  • Warsaw Captured

    Warsaw Captured
    Following the Invasion of Poland, Warsaw was suffering many heavy air attacks and was bombed. Nazi Germany seized Warsaw due to surrender.
  • Nazi's establish gas chambers at Aushwitz

    Nazi's establish gas chambers at Aushwitz
    The gas chambers were there because of an extermination procedure. He killed people in there because they weren't fit to work in labor.
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    Alliance of the Axis Powers-Germany, Italy, and Japan agreed to an alliance.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor got the USA involved in WWII
  • Japanese Americans sent to internment camps

    Japanese Americans sent to internment camps
    These camps were made to stop potential Japanese Spies from continuing their duties in America.
  • Axis Powers Surrender (Italy)

    Axis Powers Surrender (Italy)
    They surrendered because their position to win the war was hopeless.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was a sea invasion of France by many different allied troops. More than 150,000 troops were part of the invasion, and this made it the largest seaborne invasion in history. It was one of 2 of the biggest invasions in WWII
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    This was an island that was used to stage air attacks on the Mariana Islands. There was a battle that took place on the island that killed as many as 20,000 people.
  • Axis Powers Surrender (Germany)

    Axis Powers Surrender (Germany)
    Adolf Hitler died so Germany surrendered a few days later.
  • Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan

    Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan
    This atomic bomb was the first one ever to be used in war.
  • Axis Powers Surrender (Japan)

    Axis Powers Surrender (Japan)
    They surrendered because the US had a powerful weapon, the atomic bomb.