World war 2

WWII Timeline - Gabrie'le Eato

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    Battle of britain

    who: germans vs people in uk
    what: combat of wwii - royal airforce defended uk against german air force attacks
    when: july 10,1940-october 31, 1940
    where:united kingdom why: germans were taking over because they wanted to conquer uk/gain power over it
  • lend lease act

    who: U.s all nations what: us says they will make an agreement to lend supplies to any nation that is vital defense to the us when: march 11, 1941 where:? why: us and nations want protection
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    Invasion of the Soviet Union

    who: Germans invaded the Soviets
    what: it was called operation barborossa
    when: June 22, 1941 - December 5, 1941
    where:soviet union, poland, ukraine, belarus, estonia, lituania, latvia, moldova, second polish republic, eastern europe, european russia
    why: Germans wanted the Soviet Union to go down and take over it
  • pearl harbor

    who: japan and U.S what: japan attacks us naval bases when dec. 7, 1941 where: pearl harbor why: japan wanted to show u.s. they are strong and they cant be messed with
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    who: nazi germany, soviets, where: eastern boundary of europe when: 1942-feb 2,1943 what: nazi germany vs soviets - both trying to argue for stalingrad but germany was defeater for the FIRST TIME why: they both wanted stalingrad..
  • VE Day

    who: germany and allies what: formal acceptance by allies of nazi germanys unconditional surrender of armed forces when: may 8, 1945 where: europe (ve day... victory in europe day)