Attack of Manchuria (Asia)
Japanese armies had seized Manchuroia despite what Japanese parliament had said. This attack was the first direct challenge to League of Nations. Previously made in World war one. League members protested when this happened. Despite the League attempted to stop Japan, Japan ignored it. -
Nuremberg Laws
Nazi's created persecution a goverment policy. They passed laws forbidding Jews to hold a public officce. By 1935, the laws made Jews lose their rights for a German citzenship. As well, they had to wear big yellow stars on their outfit. -
This means "Night Of Broken Glass". This just the beginning of the desolation of the jews. During this night, it was the Nazi's attacking the synagogues and killing Jews. This was the start of the Holocaust. -
Invasion of Poland
The entirely brand new nonaggression pact removed the threat of Germany of a Soviet attack. Hitler around dawn conquered Poland. Warplanes invaded the airspace, dropping bombs and bringing terror to Poland. Tanks and troop trucks had also came across to invade the country. A few of the aircraft brought artillery for groundstrike. The type of attack that they used against Poland was blitzkrieg. This was the start of WWII, but no one knew. -
Soviet Union invaded E. Poland
Just after Stalin had signed a secret agreement with Hitler, Soviet troops were sent to occupy the eastern half of Poland. By November 1940, Stalin had sent in over a million troops to Finland. The Fins were outnumbered and outplayed in the battle.(Although Soviets did lose a lot of people). March of 1940 people of Finland were forced to surrender to the Soviets. -
Alliance With Italy and Germany
The tripartite pact was created between the three countries (Japan, Italy and Germany). The agreement was a mutual assistance if any country was attacked by a country not already involved in the war. -
France surrenders
Italy and Hitler joined forces to attack both Great Britain and France. Italy attacked from the south. Germany attacked by the east. By June 14, Paris had ffallen to the Germans. By June 22, France surrendered to Germany. After the surrender of the French, Germans took control of Northern France. -
Lend-Lease Act
President Roosevelt could lend or lease arms and other things to different countries, that were important to the United states. Summer of 1941, U.s Navy was escorting British ships carrying U.S weapons. In response, Hitler ordered his submarines to hit any ship. -
Battle of Britain
The battle between Germany and Great Britain began September 7, 1940. The plan for Germany was to destroy Britain and it's airfoce by bombs. They began focusing on bombing cities specifically London. Britain developed a radar that could track anything. They also had a machine that was designed for cracking German codes. By May 10, Hitler was stunned by the resistance of Britain, so he called off the attack. -
Atlantic Charter
The United States had not officially entered the war just yet. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill had met secretly on creating the Charter. The Charter upheld free trade among other nations. The right of people could choose their own government. The Charter ended as the Allies' peace plan -
Pearl Harbor
Soldiers of Pearl Harbor woke up to a surprise attack from the Japanese. The United States had known from a coded Japanese message warning that an attack might come along. Over 2,400 people were killed and over 1,000 were injured. The next day, United states had declared war. -
Japanese internment (in US)
Japanese Americans were considered a threat to the U.S. President Roosevelt set up a program of internment and loss of their property. They did this because Americans were frightened since the attacks on Pearl Harbor from the Japanese. -
Battle of Midway
Yet another Japanese code was cracked. This was the venegence for Pearl Harbor by the United States navy. It also turned the tide on in the war in the pacific against Japan. Japan was extremely outnumbered by the U.S. Ironically, the Japanese fleet was the largest naval fleet assembled. -
Allied invasion of Italy
Allied forces of about 180,000 troops when into Sicily. It was captured from italian and german forces by August. The desolation of Sicily had ruined Mussolini's power. -
It's code name is "Operation Overload".It was an invasion of land and sea attacks between Britain, America, France, Canada and Germany. This was fought on the beaches of Normandy at dawn. -
German invasion of Soviet Union
The Germans began with the invasion with Blitzkrieg. Soviets were not ready for the attack. The invasion lasted for a week. German's had pushed the russians for so long. Nazi's plan was to starve 2.5 million people. The bombs destroyed the food buildings. As the temperatures fell, Germans had retreated in March of 1943, luckily Moscow was saved. -
German Surrender
Late March 1945, the Rhine River was invaded by the allies. By April 1945, Soviet Union had surrendered to the war. General Eisenhower excepted the "unconditional" surrender of the third reich of Germany. May 8th is the official date when the surrender was signed in Germany. In Europe, This is known as V-E Day. "Victory in Europe Day" -
Bombing of Hiroshima
President Truman had warned Japan about the atomic bombs to come around July. Japan did nothing to response to the warning. In August, the atomic bomb was dropped. It killed 73,000 -
Bombing of Nagasaki
The second atomic bomb hit within three days. The United States had warned Japan that if they did not surrender, they would attack. So, they did that to Hiroshima and Japan did nothing. So, United states tried again in Nagasaki. 37,500 people were killed. Radiation killed much more. -
Japanese Surrender
After getting Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed by aomic bombs, nearly a month earlier. Japan finally surrendered. The surrender took place opon the U.S naval ship "Missouri" in Tokoyo Bay.