WWII Timeline

  • Japan invades Manchurin

    Japan invades Manchurin
  • Period: to

    Facist italy invades, conquers, and annexes ethiopia

  • Period: to

    Nazi germany and facist italy signs a treaty of cooperation

  • Japan invades china

  • France and great britian guarentees the intergrity of boarders of poland

  • Facist italy invades and annexes albania

  • Period: to

    the slovacks declare their independence

  • Germany inades poland

  • Great britian and france declare war on germany

  • The soviet union invades poland from the east

  • Germany invades denmark and norway

  • Germany attacks western europe

  • Japan bombs pearl harbor

  • united states declares war on Japan

  • British and U.S troops successfully land on the normandy beaches of france

  • US troops land on the philippines

  • hitler commits sucide

  • Germany surrenders to western allies

  • US drops an atomic bomb on hiroshima

  • Japan surrenders and WWII ends