WWII timeline

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Hitlers German troops invaded Poland with a new way of warfare called blitzkrieg in an effort to try and regain land for Germany. This type of attack was fast and from every way possible. They bombarded their roads, railroad, and air capacity. Then a massive land invasion commenced with troops, tanks, and artillery. After all of this had finished, infantry moved in to kill off any remaining resistance.
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
    Germany invades France and enters France with ease by tricking Britain and France. They thought the Germans would attack by going through Belgium so they set up all of their defenses across the french-Belgium border. Hitler knew they would do this so he decided to attack from the west and easily score a win for the Germans.
  • The battle of Britain

    The battle of Britain
    Germany attacked Great Britain by bombing high populated areas like London. This battle lasted three and a half months.Britain had superior fire power and radar making Germany have to pull out.
  • A deal between the U.S and Britain

    A deal between the U.S and Britain
    Britain, in exchange for fifty destroyers, gave america permeation to have military bases in the Caribbean and in Bermuda. This, however, was very controversial and its legality was even questioned. But with big events happening in Europe, the headlines quickly got flooded with other things an the controversy got covered up.
  • Japan bombs pear habor

    Japan bombs pear habor
    It was eight in the morning when japan sent hundreds of planes to attack the U.S navel base Pearl Harbor. Hundreds of U.S solders and civilians died. This event pushed the United States to enter world war two.