WWII timeline

By binnc
  • Spring of 1938

    Spring of 1938
    Hitler charged that the Czechs were abusing the Sudeten Germans, and he began missing troops on the Czech border.
  • Germany annexes Austria

    Germany annexes Austria
    German troops marched into Austria unopposed, forcing Schuschnigg to resign
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Daladier and Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a shot being fired
  • The last of Czechoslovakia

    The last of Czechoslovakia
    German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia. At nightfall Hitler gloated "Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist."
  • Non aggression pact

    Non aggression pact
    The Soviet Union and Germany signed the non aggression pact in which they agreed not to fight each other.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany war plans roared around Poland, raining bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads and cities. This invasion was the first time trying Germans new military strategy, the blitzkrieg.
  • Surprise invasion

    Surprise invasion
    Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway as the whole world stared.
  • The fall of France

    The fall of France
    Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. Germans would occupy the Northern part of France and the Nazi- controlled puppett government would set up Vichy in southern France.
  • Summer of 1940

    Summer of 1940
    The German started to assemble an invasion fleet along the coast of France, and also an air war at the same time. The German lost 56 planes and the Britain only lost 26, so the Fuhrer called off the invasion