Ww2 158

WWII Timeline

By natey
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Germany and the Soviets had a nonagression pact at this point. This let the Germans invade Poland without fear of Soviet attack. Germany invaded Poland for more land, and there was a big Jewish population in Poland
  • France and Britian Declare War

    France and Britian Declare War
    France and Britian had appeased Germany, but when they invaded Poland they had to take action. They insured the protection of the Polish boarder. They had to declare war
  • Germany takes control of Denmark and Norway

    Germany takes control of Denmark and Norway
    Germany took control of Denmark and Norway. They were expanding at a speed no one has ever seen before.
  • Bliztkrieg

    Germany uses a new tactic called Blitzkrieg to take over Netherlands, Belgium, and north France
  • Auschwitz Death camp opens

    Auschwitz Death camp opens
    Auschwitz death camp opens. This camp killed the most out of any other camp 2.1 million
  • Winston Churchill Prime minister of england

    Winston Churchill Prime minister of england
    Winston Chruchill became the leader of England. He made a lot of bold moves, and great speaches for the English people
  • Italy joins the war

    Italy joins the war
    Italy joins the war on the side of the axis powers. Benito Mussolini was the leader of fascist Italy put them on that side.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Britian

    Germany sends air raids to Britian for a long span of time. These raids are know as the battle of Britain
  • The tripartite pact

    The tripartite pact
    Germany, Japan, and Italy all sign the tripartite act. This act created the axis powers
  • Axis powers attack Russia

    Axis powers attack Russia
    The Axis powers attack Russia with a huge force of over 4 million troops. This breaks the German Russian nonagression pact making Russia go to war with Germany
  • Japanese attack Pear Habor

    Japanese attack Pear Habor
    Japan attack the military base Pearl Habor in Hawaii. This shocks Americans, and causes America to fight into the war
  • Allies invade and take Sicily

    Allies invade and take Sicily
    The Allied powers invade the Island of Sicily that belongs to Italy. This prepared the allies for the invasion of mainland Italy.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italy surrenders to the Allies. Hitler helps Mussolini escape from Italy and set up a government in North Italy
  • D-day

    The Allied forces organized the biggest land and sea invasion ever. It was their start to take back europe from Germany starting in Normandy
  • Paris Liberated by Allies

    Paris Liberated by Allies
    Only two months after the initial invasion of France Paris is liberated from German Forces
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    A huge attempt by the Germans to push back the Allies. It didnt work and set the tone for the loss of the German army.
  • US Army crosses Rhine RIver

    US Army crosses Rhine RIver
    The US army crossed the Rhine River in Germany. This was so close to the heart of Germany. Almost beating out Germany
  • Roosevelt dies

    Roosevelt dies
    President Roosevelt died. After almost 16 years of presidency. Harry Truman replaces him.
  • Adolf Hitler dies

    Adolf Hitler dies
    Aldolf Hitler kills himself. Knowing that the Americans are coming for him, and that hes lost Hitler kills himself.
  • VEday

    Germany surrenders to the Allies. Victory in Europe day.