WWII Timeline

  • WWI Ends

    World War I ends and the Allies powers win. Land is divided up between the Allies.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Was the peace treaty that end the war between the Allies and Germany. Germany was forced to pay for war reparations and take blame for the war.
  • League of Nations is Formed

    The League of Nations is formed after World War I. Was to keep the peace and prevent another World War.
  • U.S Stock Market Crash

    The United State stock market crash caused the U.S to go into the Great Depression. Many people committed suicide and many lost their homes.
  • Hitler Takes Power

    Hitler takes power in Germany. Nazi party rises with Hitler being in charge.
  • Munich Agreement

    Britain and France allow Hitler to take a part of Czechoslovakia, if he agrees to stop taking over land. Hitler "agrees" to stop taking over land. A great example of appeasement.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Hitler and Stalin agree to attack one another and to because allies in the fight against the Allies.
  • German invades Poland

    Hitler and Stalin invade Poland, eventually taking control and overthrowing the government. This breaks the agreement Hitler made with Great Britain and France.
  • Great Britain and France Declares War

    Hitler invading Poland was the last straw for Great Britain and France. Hitler pushed too much and they finally snapped. Declaring war on Germany, starting another World War.
  • Lend-Lease Begins

    The Lend-Lease Program allowed President Franklin Roosevelt to extend aid to any country who's fate he felt was vital to the U.S defense for the sake of national security.
  • Atlantic Charter

    British Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt met on the U.S.S Atlantic Charter to discuses an alliance between the two of them to return piece to the world, to end WWII.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Japanese forced attack the U.S naval fleet in Pearl Harbor. Nearly, devastating the American Pacific fleet. Over 2,400 military men lost their life and over 1,400 were wounded.
  • Tehran Conference

    Was the meeting of U.S President Franklin Roosevelt, Great Britain Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, premier of the Soviet Union. Discussing the war strategy, they would use against, Germany and Japan.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt meet in the Germany city of Potsdam to discuss the Allied aim. Failed to resolve the major issues facing the Allies and their relationship was starting to fade.
  • Nuclear Bomb Dropped On Nagasaki and Hiroshima

    A U.S bomber dropped a nuclear bomb on two Japanese cities, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The bombs killed thousand of people and many were wounded. The side effects that came with the bomb radiation were devastating.