WWII Timeline (Roberta Romero #22 8A)

  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    The attack on Poland in September 1939 started a critical crossroads ever, leading to WWII. Adolf Hitler's expansionist ideas and the disappointment of an optional attempt to interfere with him while he finished the intrusion, with Nazi Germany quickly followed by the USSR, Germany's partner at that point. The hostility provoked England and France to respect their responsibilities to Poland's safety, declaring battle on Germany and making way for WWII.
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    Fall of France 🇫🇷

    After WWI, France built a 1,500 km network of underground bunkers, tunnels, and defensive forts to avoid a German invasion. In WWII, Germans used blitzkrieg tactics to invade Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France. To avoid the Maginot Line, they attacked the Ardennes Forest. France fell, and the Germans implemented policies against Jews.
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    Battle of Britain

    The German Air Force launched air raids on Britain, regardless of the Germans' intense bombing British Air Force achieved repealing the Germans by air defense strategies and the use of radars.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    Germany launched the largest invasion against the Soviet Union (their ally). Germany was winning at first but this backfired on them because the USSR reversed the attacks, and invaded and controlled Berlin.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Pearl Harbor was an American Naval located in Hawaii, Japan surprise attacked it because of its expansionist ambitions. This was a crucial event since this is the reason the US joined the allies and stoped the war.
  • USA declarers war

    USA declarers war
    The US at first didn't want anything to do with the war so they decided to stay neutral on this matter. This changed due to an unpredictable move by the Japanese (attack on Pearl Harbor). The US joined the allies and they started to turn the war in their favor, this was a crucial moment for the allies
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    Mexico joined the Allies due to the Germans sinking five of their U-boat's oil tanker ships. The 201st Squadron was sent to the Pacific Ocean to fight with the US Air Force against Japan. Mexico and the USA fought beside each other against Japan.
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    Battle of Midway

    The US Navy defeated the Japanese aircraft in a decisive naval fights, successfully fighting Japanese expansion.
     Japan's naval power was damaged.  The Allies gained a strategic advantage. This caused a traveling between islands work in which the US captured Japanese-held islands and began advancing into Japan.
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    Manhattan Project💣

    The Manhattan Project was a secret program to research and develop nuclear weapons.IT was led by J. Robert Oppenheimer.Their base was in New Mexico Los Alamos.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Germans wanted to take control of the Soviet City of Stalingrad but failed due to Soviet resistance and harsh winter conditions. Eventually, Germans retreated, that day being the beginning of the Soviet advance towards Berlin.
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    Operation Overlord ⚓️

    The Allied invasion of Normandy required significant planning and was a coordinated attack by 1.5 million British, American, and Canadian soldiers, including paratroopers, air strikes, and naval forces.Germans had fortified with barbed wire, bunkers, and mines. After a long fight the allies won and began their trip to France to liberate France and Europe from the Germans.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Adolf Hitler and several of his officials committed suicide after realizing they were about to be defeated. German top leaders surrender to the allies and so did their soldiers.The soldiers who didn't commit suicide were hold accountable for their actions.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
    Germany unconditionally gave up their military forces to the Allies. After a successful Battle in the Soviet of Stalingrad, the Allied forces advanced toward Germany.By April 1945, the Soviet Red Army had reached Berlin and was constantly bombing the city.The war ended on May 8, 1945, with the signing of Germany's unconditional surrender.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    When the weapons were ready US decided to drop a bomb twice on top of Japan. The first bomb was dropped on August 6th on Hiroshima and the second bomb was dropped on August 9th on Nagasaki. The bombs were so intense that the radiation destroyed buildings and infrastructure. People died because of radiation and immediately vanished. This affected the Japanese population because of the thousands of instant deaths.
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    Victory in the Pacific🏆

    Understanding the deadly potential of the bomb took some time to reach Japanese authorities, who felt shocked and in disbelief. 2 days after the USSR launched a massive invasion of Manchuria (China). The second atomic bomb was dropped, increasing the pressure on Japan's authorities, who were divided between continuing and surrendering.