WWII-Timeline assignment

By Abby:)
  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles declared peace agreements between victorious countries and Germany, making Germany pay a fine to make up for the lost territory and repairs. Though the triumphant counties got what they wanted in the end, they failed to resolve the starting issue, ultimately humiliating Germany. Along with paying a large sum of money, they were forced to dispan any attempt at a military group, which they ignored.
  • Hitler Voted to power

    Hitler Voted to power
    As the last chandler, Paul von Hindenburg was growing old and slowly losing his power in the nazi party, along with Germany's popularity, Hitler took this opportunity took this opportunity to grow closer to paul, claiming he would help reunite his votes/power. With the political front, Hitler was easily able to cast out the old chandler and take the title for himself.
  • 1936 Summer Olympics

    1936 Summer Olympics
    In 1936 Germany Hosted the summer Olympics, Despite the exclusionary principles of the 1936 Games, countries around the world still agreed to participate. The main purpose of hosting, was to display their strength and spread propaganda, while their plot against the jews lay hidden.
  • The Tripartite signed

    The Tripartite signed
    This alliance was between Japan, Italy, and Germany. It claimed that it would provide assistance towards the other countries (in the act) should they be attacked by any party not already involved in the war. This was aimed at neutral America, wanting them to think twice before they joined the Allies (opposing forces).
  • German Invasion of poland

    German Invasion of poland
    In September of 1939, the German forces charge into Poland under the command of Hitler. Attacking with an air frontal support, they were easily able to block off railroads and main pathways. While the forces of Poland tried to fight back head-on, they were no match for the size and force of Hitler's machines.
  • soviets capture Warsaw

    soviets capture Warsaw
    On September 1, 1939, the German forces launch their first attack against Poland, killing thousands of civilians. As per usual, the Germans start with a full air attack then pull up the rear with loads of guns and soldiers. Lasting 25 days without food, water, or electricity and irreparable damage to monuments, the city surrenders to Germany.
  • Gas at Auschwitz

    Gas at Auschwitz
    Needing new was to eliminate mass amounts of people at a time, concentration camps experimented with many types of gasses, and soon they found the one that would kill thousands. The chambers were concreated rooms with no exit. The prisoners were either stuffed into that room or the neighboring showers. Gas would fill the room and slowly everyone would suffocate and die.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The code name for the attack on the Soviet Union, Hitler leads his largest attack force yet. Breaking the 10-year peace agreement, he catches the Red Army by surprise and quickly storms towards the capital. While Germany had taken many prisoners and covered lots of lands, the army suffered great casualties and it proved to be too much for the army. The forced retreat was a blow to the army and Hitler blamed it on the rough winters.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese fighter jets swooped into the military base off of Hawaii, damaging hundreds of vessels and causing hundreds of casualties. This move by the Japanese forced America to enter the war, and soon retaliated.
  • Japanese Americans sent to internment camps

    Japanese Americans sent to internment camps
    President Franklin Roosevelt established internment camps out of fear the Japanese Americans would betray the county. Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the FBI rounded up 1,291 Japanese American communities and religious leaders, arresting them without evidence. In January the arrestees were transferred to prison camps many unable to inform their families, and most remained for the duration of the war. All over the Americas region, Citizens with Japanese heritage were sent to these camps.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Losing a lot of military/air support through earlier battles, Japan had a line of defense including Iwo Jima. Targeting this base the Americans expected an easy victory given the numeral advantage they had. On the contrary, the Japanese used the mountainous landscape to their advantage, and the gruesome battle stretched out for 5 weeks. Ultimately ending in America's victory.
  • Axis powers surrender

    Axis powers surrender
    Date surrendered:
    Germany, April 29, 1945
    Italy, Sep 3, 1943
    Japan, Sep 2, 1945
    With Japan surrendering last, they signed the official end to the war.
  • Atomic Bombs Dropped on japan

    Atomic Bombs Dropped on japan
    On August 6, 1945, America drops its first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, killing thousands upon impact. Hundreds would die later from radiation exposure. Days later America drops a second bomb over Nagasaki with the same effect. The number of civilians lost forced Japan to surrender from the war in order to prevent more loss.