WWII Timeline

  • Germany invaded Poland.

    This was the beginning of WWII.
  • Britain and France enter the war.

    Britain and France declared war against Germany.
  • U.S. declares neutrality.

    The U.S. declared they would not join the war.
  • Attempt to assassinate Hitler.

    An unknown source attempted to assassinate Hitler after he finished giving a speech in a German Reich by setting off a bomb. Hitler, however, was unharmed.
  • Soviets expelled from League of Nations.

    The Soviets were expelled from the League because of their invasion of Finland in October.
  • Period: to

    The London Blitz

    The London Blitz began when 300 German bombers invaded London. This became known as the "lightning war" because of the amount of bombs lighting up the sky.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor was an attack on the U.S. by Japan.
  • U.S. entered the war.

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan, diminishing their neutrality.
  • Hitler takes control.

    Hitler gained complete control over the German Army.
  • Declaration of United Nations.

    The Declaration of the United Nations was signed by 26 allies.
  • Relocation of Japanese-Americans.

    Japanese-Americans were relocated to U.S. relocation centers because the U.S. did not trust people of other ethnicity during the war.
  • Mass Murders in Auschwitz.

    Germans began killing Jews in Auschwitz by gassing them, leading to a mass murder of Jews.
  • Discovery of Executions

    The mass execution of Jews by the Nazi party was discovered when British Foreign Secretary Eden informed the British House of Commons about it.
  • Germans Suffer Defeat.

    Germany suffered it's first big defeat of Hitler's army at Stalingrad.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Eisenhower announced the surrendering of Italy to allies.
  • D-Day Began

    D-Day began when roughly 155,000 American, British, and Canadian forces invaded the coasts of France's Normandy regions. It was one of the largest military assaults in history.
  • First Atomic Bomb

    The U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, destroying 90% of the population and instantly killing 80,000 people.
  • Second Atomic Bomb

    The second atomic bomb the U.S. dropped was on Nagasaki. it killed about 40,000 people and lead to Japan's unconditional surrender to the war.
  • End of WWII

    WWII ended when Japan signed the surrender agreement after the atomic bombs were dropped on two of their cities.
  • United Nations

    Once the war was over, the United Nations was officially brought on after many allies joined together to make it possible.