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WWII Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This was the treaty that ended WWI. The treaty forced Germany to pay there debts to USA which later caused WWII
  • Hitlers rise to power

    Hitlers rise to power
    This was the date where Hitler was voted to become the leader of Germany and later on the Naziz
  • Hitlers Olympics

    Hitlers Olympics
    Hitler hosted an olympic event and US and other countries sent there athletes to compete
  • German Invasion of poland

    German Invasion of poland
    The Nazis attacked Poland on this date to start and confirm WWII
  • Gas Chambers Established

    Gas Chambers Established
    The Nazi's built gas chambers to put mostly unworkable Jewish people so they didn't have to waste space and food on them
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    A pact signed by Italy, Germany, and Japan one year after the start of WWII. It was intended to create a alliance between those countries to keep the USA out of Europe
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This was the bomb that Japan dropped on our army base. This event later caused us to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Japanese Americans sent to internment camps

    Japanese Americans sent to internment camps
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, creating Japanese internment camps during World War II. The United States government enforced the policy of internment in segregated camps for individuals of Japanese origin, including citizens of the United States, from 1942 to 1945.
  • Axis powers surrender

    Axis powers surrender
    The German and Italian surrender in North Africa after working there way into Tunisia
  • D Day

    D Day
    After being taken over by Germany, France (US allies before) was being fought over for who gets France as their Allie
  • Period: to

    Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima was a air force base located near japan where the Americans attacked and Japanese coul hide with planes
  • Death Of Hitler

    Death Of Hitler
    Hitler committed suicide when being surrounded by soldiers
  • Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

    Atomic bombs dropped on Japan
    This is Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Pearl Harbor happened