WWII Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    End of WWI, limits Germany's power and land while making Germany pay for their debt.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Hitler voted to power in Germany
    Hitler was not voted into power and did not win the election. Hitler then hired people to burn the reightch stag to prove that it wasn't safe and he needed more power.
  • Hitlers Olympics

    Hitlers Olympics
    The Olympics was hosted in Germany where Nazis and Hitler youth where there. He did this to show off how powerful they where.
  • Germany invasion of Poland

    Germany invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland,initializing WWII.
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    Created defense allies. Created to discourage the US from entering the conflict.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A surprise airstrike on a naval base in Hawii.
  • Japanese Americans sent to intern camps

    Japanese Americans sent to intern camps
    They put people in these so that spy's where not among the Americans.
  • Nazi's establish gas chambers at Aushowitz

    Nazi's establish gas chambers at Aushowitz
    Gas chambers where created to kill many people at once. The chambers where disguised as showers so that the people didn't know they where going to die.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italy surrenders.
  • D-day

    D-day occurred when the US invaded Normandy, France and Germany was on the beach. Many US solders died against few German. The allied forces won because they used land sea and air forces.
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    The battle of the bulge was a battle that happened on the western front of Germany. The battle was between Germany and allied forces. It began when Germany launched a massive attack around the Ardennes forest.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    US marines and navy landed on the island of Iwo Jima. Later they where captured and the battle begun ending in the US winning by killing over 2000 troops.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    loss of allies.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    Because Russia entered war.