WWII Timeline

  • Germans elect Nazis into power.

    Germans elect Nazis into power.
    The Nazi party had gained traction and grew to the largest party in Germany.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is elected as president.

    Franklin Roosevelt is elected as president.
    The United States got a new president during a tough time.
  • Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany
    The Germans were now under command of Hitler.
  • First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.

    First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.
    The holocaust idea had began under Hitler's rule.
  • Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power.

    Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power.
    Adolf Hitler now had full control over Germany
  • Nazi Party declared Germany's only political party.

    Nazi Party declared Germany's only political party.
    Nazis now had no competition as the rulers of Germany
  • Germany quits the League of Nations.

    Germany quits the League of Nations.
    Germany was priming themselves for conflict.
  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by starting to grow his forces.

    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by starting to grow his forces.
    Germany was building up their armed forces for invasion.
  • The German Gestapo is placed above the law.

    The German Gestapo is placed above the law.
    Hitler's police force could now take whatever action they wanted.
  • Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.

    Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.
    Other communists countries also become aggressive.
  • Civil war erupts in Spain.

    Civil war erupts in Spain.
    The uprising in Spain begins to overthrow government.
  • Germany merges with neighboring Austria

    Germany merges with neighboring Austria
    Hitler is trying to grow Germany and take over other countries.
  • Nazis take Czechoslovakia.

    Nazis take Czechoslovakia.
    The Nazis takeover spreads more.
  • Spanish Civil war ends.

    Spanish Civil war ends.
    Spanish people overthrow the current government.
  • Nazis sign treaty with Italy

    Nazis sign treaty with Italy
    Communist countries begin to join forces.
  • Nazis and Soviets sign treaty.

    Nazis and Soviets sign treaty.
    Under this neither would attack each other.
  • Nazis invade Poland.

    Nazis invade Poland.
    The Nazi begin to spread to far.
  • Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
    In response to Germany countries begin to declare war.
  • United States proclaims its neutrality.

    United States proclaims its neutrality.
    The United States did not want to get involved at this point.
  • Soviets invade Poland.

    Soviets invade Poland.
    The Soviets helped the Nazis in their efforts.
  • Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

    Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
    Germany continues to spread across Europe.
  • Germans bomb Paris

    Germans bomb Paris
    Germans get even more aggressive and begin using bombing tactics.
  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan.

    United States and Britain declare war on Japan.
    United States is forced into war.
  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan.

    United States and Britain declare war on Japan.
    In response to the bombing the United States has no choice but to attack.
  • Hitler declares war on the United States.

    Hitler declares war on the United States.
    Germany responded with their own war declaration.
  • First American forces arrive in Great Britain.

    First American forces arrive in Great Britain.
    American begins sending troops to Europe.
  • First bombing raid by Americans on Germany

    First bombing raid by Americans on Germany
    Americans begin attack on Germany.
  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France.

    D-Day landings on the northern coast of France.
  • Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary.

    Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary.
    Germany is nearly defeated after many years of conflict.
  • Soviets reach Berlin.

    Soviets reach Berlin.
    The Soviets successfully invade into Germany.
  • Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans

    Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
    With Hitler dead German troops all over begin to resign.
  • First atomic bomb dropped on Japan

    First atomic bomb dropped on Japan
    US nuclear attack on Japan begins with first of 2 bombs.
  • Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.

    Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.
    Japanese are the final country to surrender.
  • United Nations is born.

    United Nations is born.
    In the wake of the war, the United Nations is put into effect.