Attack of Manchuria
Japenese army seized manchuria, The Japeneseattack on Manchuria was thee first direct challenge to the League of Nations. When Japan seized Manchuria, many league members vigorously. -
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremburg Laws deprived the Jewish of their rights to the Gremans. In 1933, the Nazis made persecution a government policy. To make it easier for the Germans to identify them they had to wear bright yellow colored stars on their clothing. -
Alliance with Italy and Germany
Hitler's growing strength convinced Mussolini that he should seek an alliance with Germany. Which later beacame known as Rome-Berlin Axis. A month later, Germany made an agreement with Japan. Germany, Italy, and Japan came tyo be called the Axis Powers. -
When Grynszpan shot an employee of the German Embassy in Paris. When the Nazi leaders found out they launched a violent attack on the Jewish community. On November 9, the Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany and murdered 100 Jews. -
Ivasion of Poland
The German invasion of Poland was the first test of Germany's military strategy, Blitzkrieg. German warplanes invaded Polish airspace, The truck carried more than 1.5 million soldiers. The Germans bombed the capital, Warsaw. After Hitlers victory he then annexed the Western half of Poland. Which was a region that was heavily German populated. -
Soviet Union invaded E. Poland
Stalin annexed the regions in the second part of the agreement. Lithuania, Latavia, and Estonia fell without a struggle for Stalin. However, Finland resisted. Stalin nearly sent 1 million troops to Finland in November of 1939. Stalin didn't worry when the Finnish rolled along because he thought that it would've been a quck win. However, he was greatly out numbered and outgunned. The Finnish attacked on skis while the Soviets struggled. -
France surrenders
When the French surrendered on June 22, 1940 the Germans took control of the northern part of the country. The southern part was under control by Henri. Who came in conrol when the French Parliament asked hime to be Prime Minister. -
Battle of Britain
The Batlle of Great Britain lasted until May 10th, 1941. When Hitler decided to call off his attacks. Surprised by the Brish resistence, Hitler then focused on Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. -
Lend-Lease Act
Under the Lend-Lease Act passed in March 1941, the president could lend or lease arm and other supplies to any country vital to the United States. By the summer of 1941, Britsh ships were carrying U.S. arms. -
Atlantic Charter
The Atlantic Charter was a list of principles issued in Aug of 1941 by Britsh prime minister Winston Churchill ans U.S, president Franklin Roosevelt, on which the Allied peace plan at the end of WWII was based. -
German invasion of Soviet Union
By September 8th Hitler had surrounded Leningrad. If necessary, Hitler would starver nearly 2.5 million inhabitants. Bobs destroyed the warehouses where the food was stored. More than 1 million people died during the winter. By the next winter the Germans were attacking Moscow, in their summer uniforms, their fuel and oil froze. Moscow was saved and it costed the Germans 500,000 lives. -
Pearl Harbor
When the Pear Harbor attack occured on December 7th, 1941, the Americans had known from a coded Japenese message that an attack might come, but didn't know when or where. The attack happened in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The next day Congress declaered war on Japan. About 2,400 Americans were killed. -
Japanese internment
Since Japenese Americans were a threat to the country after Pearl Harbor occured, Franklin Roosevelt set up a program of internment and loss of property. In March, the Military rounded them up and shipped them to relocation camps. -
Battle of Midway
In 1842 another Japenese code had been broken. Nimitz, (commander in chief of U.S. fleet) was outnumbered. The Japenese was the largest naval force ever assembled. Yamamoto (Japenese commander in chief for Japan) ordered his fleet to withdraw. Nimitz's planned worked. By June 6, 1942 the battle was over. -
Allied invasion of Italy
The conquest of Sicily toppled Mussolini. On July 25, King Victor fired the dictatorand had him arrested. On September 3, Italy surrendered. But the Germans seized control of the northern part of Italy, and put Mussolini back in charge. Later he was shot when he was diguised as a German soldier. -
D-Day was fought at the beach of Normandy. 3,000 Americans were killed that day. A month later, more than 1 million troops had landed. Soon the Germans retreated. -
Bombing of Nagasaki
Three days later from the bombing of Hiroshima, the United States dropped another bomb on Japan. This time the city of Nagasaki. Nagasaki had the population 200,000, the bomb nearly killed about 37,500. The Japanese finally surrendered on September 2. -
German surrender
By April 25, 1945, the Soviets had surrounded the capital,. On the same day Hitler wrote his final address to the German people. In it he blamed Jews for starting it and blamed his generals for losing it. Two days later, Hitler shot himself after taking poision. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The United Sates dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan. The city's population was about 365,000, the bomb nearly killed 73,000 people were killed. -
Japanese surrender
Before the Japenese surrendered, president Truman's advisors had informed truman that an invasion of the Japense homeland might cost the Allies a half a million lives. Which is why he and his men created the Atomic Bomb which was the way to end the only way to end the war. The Japenese surrendered after the 2 bombings (Nagasaki & Hiroshima).