WWII timeline

  • Selective service act

    Selective service act
    The selective service act was a law passed and drafted by the US congress after the US declare its intentions to help its allies against Germany during WWI. The US was asked for military support and supply by the allies, but they didn’t’t had enough, so the president as a solution agreed with congress to pass the selective service act. The act required all men between the ages of 21 and 31 to be enlisted for military training and service, helped the US Military number to increase.
  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
    On this day Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.
    After part of the member tried to weaken his position, he was backed down and almost anonymously chosen.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact signed 1928

    Kellogg-Briand Pact signed 1928
    The Kellogg-Briand pact was an agreement signed by president Coolidge to outlaw war. It was an effort to prevent another war to happen, where only self defense was accepted, however it was broken.
  • Japan invades Manchuria 1931

    Japan invades Manchuria 1931
    Japan invade Manchuria on 1931 to solve its economic, overcrowding, and business problems. They took Manchuria because they had had a rich area of iron and coal that could solve their economic problems, had space to solve their overcrowded population problem, and could build their own businesses.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    The enabling act was when Hitler become the dictator of Germany, he was voted and given all the power to make his own laws, take over local governments, ban his opponents, etc.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    The Neutrality act was the first action from the U.S. congress, that was fearful of another war to erupt, so decided to impose U.S. neutrality in European wars. The act prohibited the US sale of weapons and military equipment to foreign or rival nations at war.
  • Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response

    Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response
    Philip Randolph was an African American Union leader who by proposing a large protest march on Washington D.C., against discriminatory hiring practices in the military and industry jobs, make Roosevelt issue an executive order declaring that employers and labor industries would not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin. Therefore, the march was cancelled.
  • FDR third term

    FDR third term
    Only president to ever run for a third term and to won on the US, setting a precedent. He was chosen during a period of conflict and had to take huge decisions on what would be the countries role. Starting the 3rd term he promised he won’t get involved in war with Europe again.
  • Lend lease program

    Lend lease program
    The Lend-Lease Act was a program created by the US Government, to unable the country to provide during war time food, oil, equipment and other sources of support to the Allied nations during WWII. All with the purpose to keep the US a neutral country.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 1941

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 1941
    Japanese attack the US naval at Pearl Harbor in Hawai, for the US it came as complete surprise. The Japanese drop bombs and torpedoes on the war ships and the US couldn’t fight back, setting a precedent on the US that the day after declare war on Japan and got introduce into WWII.
  • Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States

    Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States
    On this day Adolf Hitler, four days after Pearl Harbor attack, declared war against the US. Hitler claimed that his decision was based on what he considered a series of provocation from the US, such as breaking his neutrality agreement. Hitler took that decision without consultation or need.