WWII timeline

  • Invasion of poland

    Invasion of poland
    The invasion of Poland, led by Adolf Hitler, marked the beginning of World War 2. Efforts were made by Poland to subdue the opposing army, but the strategies and technology used left Poland devastated. Hitler did this aiming to expand Germany's territory and establish dominance in Europe. Germany's invasion of Poland was driven by Nazi ideology in which they wanted to expand German territory. Hitler's aggressive nationalism aimed to reclaim lost territories and create a "Greater Germany".
  • Britain and France declare war

    Britain and France declare war
    In response to the invasion of Poland, Britain and France intervene, declaring war on Germany. This was driven by a sense of national duty to maintain the balance of power in Europe and protect national interests.
  • Hitlers invasion of France

    Hitlers invasion of France
    Germany fired a surprise invasion on France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, this caused the downfall of France. The invasion of France by Nazi Germany was part of Hitler's broader nationalist agenda to dominate Europe and demonstrate German superiority. It aimed to subjugate France and eliminate it as a threat to German hegemony.
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    Miracle at Dunkirk

    In May 26 - June 4, 1940 British and French troops, evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk in northern France. Despite being surrounded by German forces, a great number of solders were able to escape, producing its well fit name. This event demonstrated a power of national unity, resilience, and determination, reinforcing the nationalism of Britan
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    The Battle of Britain

    The Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom against Nazi's air force. This was the first major attack fought entirely by air forces. The success strengthened the sense of nationalism for the British people when seeing RAF protect the country.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan launched a surprise military strike against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, leading to significant American losses and prompting the US entry into World War II. Pearl Harbor remains a potent symbol of American resilience and patriotism, reminding the nation of the importance of vigilance and unity in safeguarding national interests.
  • USA enters the war

    USA enters the war
    Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan, officially entering World War II. Shortly after, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The war marked a pivotal period, increasing technology, fostering national unity, and making the U.S. as a prominent global power after the war.
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    Battle of Midway

    This was a pivotal battle in the Pacific where the United States Navy defeated an attacking fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy, significantly weakening Japan's naval strength. The battle itself lasted three days. The successes proved to increase USA's nationalism with pride and patriotism.
  • Raid on Dieppe

    Raid on Dieppe
    An Allied attack on the German occupied port of Dieppe. The raid was intended to test German defences, but resulted in heavy Allied losses and was considered a failure. This event caused for more collective nationalism when wanting to end the Nazi massacres.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    This was considered one of the deadliest battles in history, where the Soviet Union defended Stalingrad against the German Army. This battle marked a positive turning point on the Eastern Front for allies. Although, significant loss of life, social and economic disruption, and political repression, decreased the sense of nationalism for some due to not wanting to associate with such horrors.
  • D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)

    D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)
    The Allies launched a massive invasion of Normandy, France to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control. This operation marked the a strong start to end the Nazi's
  • End of World War II in Europe

    End of World War II in Europe
    When the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender, it marked the end of World War II in Europe and a new world.
  • A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima

    A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima
    The United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, causing mass destruction and a great many of civilian lives lost.
  • A-bombs dropped on Nagasaki

    A-bombs dropped on Nagasaki
    Three days after Hiroshima, a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, leading to further devastation and contributing to Japan's decision to surrender.
  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    This moment happened when Japan surrendered to the Allies aboard the USS in Tokyo Bay, which formally ended World War II. Reinforcing national pride among victorious nations, starting decolonization movements, and shaping global institutions, the end started a complex interplay between national identities and internationalism.