WWII Timeline

  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    One of Adolf Hitler's first thing to do when obtaining his power was to sign a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1934.In 1939, German forces bombard Poland on land and from the air, as Hitler wants to gain lost territory and ultimately rule Poland. World War II began after this.
  • Germany invaded France

    Germany invaded France
    The campaign against low countries and France lasted less than six weeks. They named this battle "the fall of France". By mobile operations Germany invaded France and conquered the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg.
  • The battle of Britain

    The battle of Britain
    This Battle was won by Royal Air Force in WWII. German air force attacked the United Kingdom in which the RAF defended them. This battle resulted in British victory.
  • The United States gives Britain supplies

    The United States gives Britain supplies
    The United States would give Great Britain the supplies they needed to fight Germany, and would not pressure them to pay them back. The United States lent the supplies to Germany and eventually would get payed back but not with money but pay back with "consideration". Great Britain and United States agreed and signed the Lend-Lease agreement.
  • Germany invaded the Soviet Union

    Germany invaded the Soviet Union
    This invasion was code for operation "Barbarossa". This was Germany's ideological plan to conquer the western Soviet union. 3 million German soldiers invaded the Soviet union.
  • Peal Harbor Attack

    Peal Harbor Attack
    On December 7, 1941 the Japanese Navy air service had a surprise military attack on Pearl Harbor. That made the United States enter WWII.
  • War on Japan and Gernany

    War on Japan and Gernany
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Teddy Roosevelt declared war on Japan and Germany. They decided to go into WWII because of the betrayal that Japan made to the United States.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The battle of Midway in 1942 was the turning point in the pacific war. What Yamamoto had planned was lost in this battle. They could not recover from the loss of four frontline aircraft carriers and pilots, aircrews.
  • Liberation of Western Europe

    Liberation of Western Europe
    On D-Day 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces stayed in five beaches along the coast of France's Normandy region. On August 1944 all of northern France has been liberated and on spring they defeated the Germans. It was the end of war in Europe.
  • The end of WWII

    The end of WWII
    The United States dropped the atomic bomb on Japan which made Japan surrender and ended WWII. The code word for this bomb was "little boy" which killed 80,000 people instantly.