Battle of kursk4

WWII TImeline

  • Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact is signed

    Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact is signed
    The Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact stated Germany and the Soviet Union couldn't take military action against each other for the next ten years. Stalin viewed it as a good thing because they would then be on good terms with Germany. It was appealing to Germany because it meant that they could invade Poland more easily. The pact also stated how the two countries would divide eastern Europe. It fell apart when Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. It was important with WWII because it caused tension.
  • The start of WWII

    The start of WWII
    WWII started when Germany invadaded Poland and France and then Poland declared war. British and French empires declared war on Germany and made it a worldwide war. Germans had used blitzkreig war to break enemy position.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    The Lend Lease Act allowed the president to transfer defense materials to foreign countries. The US had said that they were neutral in the war but they wanted to help the Allied Nations. The act said that they can only help countries vital to the US defense. The act enabled Britain to keep fighting until things led America into the conflict. This was important to WWII because it brought the US on step closer to war.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    The US and Great Britain agreed on a delaration to create a postwar world. Roosevelt and Churchill met on ships to discuss WWII issues. The charter said that the two leaders “deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world.” In January representatives of 26 governments agreed to support the Atlantic Charter. This document was one of the first steps to the United Nations.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On this day the Japanese dropped bombs and shot at an American Naval base in Pearl Harbor. This was an attempt by the Japanese to prevent the US Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions. In this attack, Japanese destroyed 18 American ships, 300 airplanes, and killed 2,500 men. This event is important because it is what got the US involved in the war.
  • Japanese Internment

    Japanese Internment
    On February 19, 1942, two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This order sent over 120,000 Japanese to one of ten camps throught the US. Even if they were born in the US or were US citizens they still had to go to the internment camps. The Japanese had very little time to sell their property, and when they did sell it they lost money on it. This was an important part to WWII because it violated civil liberties.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was the development of the first atomic bomb. It was created by Albert Einstein and other scientists. Scientists that watched the test explosion were surprised that they were going to drop that on a city and wreak that much havoc. This bomb killed thousands of civilians and injurred many more. This played an important role in WWII because it got Japan to surrender.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese continued to attack US naval bases. The US won due to them intercepting Japan's plans to ambush. The US hired codebreakers so they would be able to predict what Japans plan to attack. This victory allowed the US and their allies to move into an offensive position.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad happened in Stalingrad, Russia between Germany and Russia. Hitler wanted Stanlingrad because it was a strategic important city. Stalin didnt want to lose a city with his name. This was the turning point of German winning. Russia won this battle and German spirits were broken.
  • D-Day

    D-Day, also known as the Normandy invasion, was the turning point against the Nazis. Allied forces invaded Normandy. They had to wait to attack becauset they were short troops and suppies. It also prevented Hitler from sending troops from France to build up his Eastern Front against the advancing Soviets. This was significant in WWII because it was the turning point in the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of th Bulge was in Bastogne, Belgium between Germany and America. It split the allied armies by means of a surprise blitzkrieg thrust through Ardennes to Antwerp. This was seen as offense in the war. This battle brought about the end of the German and Nazi reign.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    After the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan finally surrendered on August 14, 1945.Rhode Island is the only state today that still celebrates V-J Day. President Truman announced the victory at a white house press confrence and said, “This is the day we have been waiting for since Pearl Harbor. This is the day when Fascism finally dies, as we always knew it would.” This was important to WWII because it was the end of the war.