Audrey's WWII Timeline

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    Battle of the Atlantic

    From the very start of WWII, German U-Boats would sink unprotected Allied merchant vessels to cut off supply lines. It would prove successful in the beginning, but with the help of sonar to detect U-Boats as well as traveling in convoys, the Allies had control of the Atlantic by mid 1943.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    The US had imposed an embargo on trade with Japan to hopefully prevent the Japanese from invading other countries. Because of this, Japan had hoped to knock America out of the war by depleting their navy, which the majority of was stationed at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. 18 ships and 350 planes were sunk by Japanese the air force. 2400 US military and civilians were killed because of the attacks.
  • US Declares War on Japan

    After the Pearl Harbour attacks, the US ruled to declare war on Japan, after a public outrage swept the nation. The other two axis powers (Germany and Italy) declared war on the US in support of Japan three days later.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    Japan had had major success in taking over Pacific islands and was close to invading Australia. US and Australian forces joined to stop an invasion and though lost the battle, were able to prevent Japan from invading Australia. America began to use the island hopping tactic to weaken Japanese forces.
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    Battle of Midway

    The U.S. launched a surprise attack on the Japanese occupied island of Midway, in the Pacific. America was very much successful, only having lost 307 men compared to Japan's 4800 men lost.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany violated a nonaggression treaty with the Soviet Union in order to capture Soviet oil fields. The Germans were nearly victorious in capturing Stalingrad, but were ill-prepared for the harsh winter. The Soviets used this to their advantage and took back the city. This was not without casualties however, the Soviets lost over 1 million men.
  • D-Day

    While the Soviets were successfully pushing the Germans out of Poland, allied troops began an invasion of Normandy through the English Channel. The attacks were lead by Generals Eisenhower and Patton. By September, 1944, France was no longer under Nazi control.
  • D-Day (Continued)

    The D-Day invasion was one of the largest land-sea operation in history. The invasion covered a 60 mile stretch of beach. 156 000 troops were sent and over 600 warships, 11 000 planes and 4000 landing craft were used.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    As the Nazi regime was crumbling throughout Europe, Hitler began trying to capture the Belgian city of Antwerp. German tanks were able to penetrate the 80 mile American front and were close to victory, however had lost around 120 000 men and many of their tanks and aircraft leading to an American victory. 80 000 US soldiers died.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference, was a meeting in which Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, met to discuss post-war plans. It was during this conference, that the United Nations was instituted.
  • American Occupation of Japan

    Similar to the Nuremberg Trials, 28 Japanese leaders were convicted of war crimes. 7 of them were sentenced to death. Afterward, the US would occupy Japan for six years, under the direction of General MacArthur. America instituted a new constitution and introduced a free marker economy.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project was a top secret US military operation, designed to create an atomic bomb. The first bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6th 1945, after Japan refused to surrender. The city collapsed in less then 43 seconds. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, only three days later. Half the city was leveled and over 200 000 Japanese died.
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    Nuremberg Trials

    Taking place in Nuremberg, Germany, over 23 nations gathered to try Nazi was criminals. 12 out of 22 defendants were sentenced to death and 200 Nazi officials were given lesser punishments
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    Truman, Churchill, Atlee and Stalin met in Potsdam Germany, to discuss and plan the elimination of the Nazi regime. Germany was divided into 4 sections, each occupied by an Ally, to prevent another war. Berlin was divided by east and west, with the Soviet Union controlling the east and the other allies controlling the west.
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    Iwo Jima

    The US had to take the critical, strategic Island of Iwo Jima from Japan. 27 000 Japanese troops held the island before the US won. 6000 American marines and over 26 000 Japanese troops died.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    The island of Okinawa was Japan's final defensive stronghold. When the US attacked, they used Kamikaze, or suicide fighters to push back the Americans. Over 110 000 Japanese soldiers and over 7600 US soldiers died. America was victorious in taking the Island.
  • Death of FDR

    Just after beginning his fourth term as President of the US, FDR would pass away, marking the end of his 12 year term. He would be the longest elected President of America. The US went through a major grieving stage and Harry S Truman would be elected the 33rd president of the US.
  • Hitler's Demise

    The cruel Nazi regime was finally coming to an end. As the allies moved into take Berlin, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun, committed suicide in a German bunker. Their bodies were burned and the dictator was never put to justice for his cruelty.
  • V-E Day

    There is victory in Europe at last. General Eisenhower accepts the surrender of the Third Reich and peace is finally achieved throughout Europe.
  • V-J Day

    Japan's surrender after the destruction of Nagasaki, marks the final end of WWII. Japan offers unconditional surrender and peace is achieved.