13. Attack of Manchuria
Japan did not have any of their own natural resources. So they had to conquer other places and one of them was Manchuria because it was full of iron and coal. This invasion was the first direct challenge against the League of Nations, but the League could do nothing about it. So many countries started doing their own thing when they realized that the League was weak. -
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12. Nurumberg Laws
These were laws that forbidded the Jews from holding a public office. The Jews were also deprieved of their rights to German citizenship, jobs, and porperty. Finally, Jews also had to wear a yellow star attached to their clothing. -
14. Alliance with Italy and Germany
Due to Hitler's growing power Mussolini decided to make an alliance with Germany. In 1936 the two dictators met and had an alliance known as the Rome-Berlin Axis. -
11. Kristallnacht
This day became kown as Krisallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass. This is because the Germans had invaded a Jewish community and they had destroyed everything. They smashed Jewish shop and house windows so that is why they call it the Night of Broken Glass. -
1. Invasion of Poland
Hitler launched a suprise attack against Poland in 1939. Germany bombed Poland through the air and German tanks attacked through the land. The Germans attacked the city of Warsaw and it crumbled under the assault. This attack suprised the world and with it World War II had offically begun. -
2. Soviet Union Invades Eastern Poland
In the agreement with Hitler, Salin would recieved the Eastern half of Poland and many other small countries. So on September 17 Stalin attacked Poland and he took over without much of a fight. -
3. France Surrenders
After France lost at the Battle of Dunkirk, they were doomed to surrender. On June 22 after France surrendered Germany took control of the north and the south was headed by a puppet government. After France surrendered a man named Charles de Gaulle fled to London and was determined to reconquering France. -
5. Lend Lease Act
This act allowed the U.S. to lend or lease arms and supplies that are vital to the U.S. So in the summer of 1941 Britain was escortted by the U.S. Navy. So Hitler ordered his submarines to sink any cargo ships they met. This caused more tension between the U.S. and Britain and Germany. -
4. Battle of Britain
The Germans used the blitzkrieg attack to attack Britain. Even though Germany used powerful attacks, the Germans were stunned by the British resistance. So Hitler decided to call off his troops and he focused on the Eastern half of Europe. From this the Allies realized that the German attacks could be blocked. -
7. German invasion of Soviet Union
The Red Army was the largest army in the world but they were not well equipped or trained. The Germans had marched up to 500 miles inside of Russia but the Red army used the scorched Earth strategy. Eventually winter came around and the Germans were not prepared. Their fuel froze and their weapons became useless.Eventually due to the conditions the Germans had to retreat. -
6. Atlantic Charter
The Atlantic Charter was a secret agreement between Roosevelt and Churchill. It uphelid free trade among nations and the right of people to choose their own government. This charter later served as the Allies peace plan at the end of WWII. -
15. Pearl Harbor
This was an attack on the US Navy Base named Peal Harbor by the Japanese. This attack was meant to completely destroy the US Navy so that Japan would travel throughout the Pacific Ocean without being stopped. This attack wasn't completely succesful because the US Navy wasn't complely destroyed. -
20. Japanese internment
The bombing of Pearl Harbor caused the Americans to fear the Japanese so many of the Japanese that lived in the US were forced to live in these internment camps. Many families were seperated and these innocent people were trapped until the war ended. -
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16. Battle of Midway
The Midway Island was west of Hawaii holding the American airfield. The Japanese were planning to secretly invade this island but the US broke the code and they were expecting the Japanese. Many ships and planes on both sides destroyed but eventually the Japanese withdrew and the bombing of Pearl Harbor had been avenged. It also turned the tides against the Japanese in the war. -
8. Allied Invasion of Italy
The Allied troops conquered Sicily first from the Italians. This conquest toppled Mussolini from power. On September 3 Italy had surrendered but Germany took control of the north and they put Mussolini back in power. Then soon Allies took control of the north and they found Mussolini dressed as a German soldier and they executed him. -
9. D-DAY
This was the Allies invasion of Normandy, France and it was the greatest land and sea attack in history. The Allies completely bombarded the Germans. Allies won and this allowed the Allies to liberate France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and much of Netherlands. -
10. German surrender
The war in Europe nearly ended after the Battle of Bulge. The Allies crossed the Rhine river and had surroundered Berlin. When Hitler realized he had lost we wrote a letter stating that the Jews were the cause of the war. Then on May 7 the Germans had finally offically surrendered. -
18. Bombing of Hiroshima
This was the first American bombing on Japan. An atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima which killed nearly 73,000 people. Japan was is total chaos after the bombing. -
17. Bombing of Nagasaki
This was a bombing on the Japanese city of Nagaski by the Americans. They dropped an atomic bomb that killed nearly 37,500 people and many more died of radiation. This was the second of two bombs that the Ameericans had dropped. -
19. Japanese surrender
After the American bombings on the two Japanese cities the Japanese had surrendered. It took place on an American ship named Missouri on Tokyo Bay. With the surrender the war had ended.