Hitller is Chancellor
Moucillini invades Etheopia
nutraility act signed by (FDR)
The nutrality act that was signed by FDR was stateing that america was nurtal. This also stated that know weapons could leave and given to anyone in fear that is might look that we were know longer nutral, it look like we were going to chose a side. -
Japanese defeats China and takes over North China
FDR forbids US ships from carrying weapons to Japan
FDR forbids the U.S to move any weapons to china or japan. FDR knew that China was geting taken over by Japan and if we gave weapons to china and not japan the would be able to see we weren nutrail. FDR also knew that Japan didn't think that we were nutrail so if we gave them weapons they might attack us. -
FDR tries to allow only peace loving countries to work together against the war
FDR wanted to pass treaties so than people that werent involved in the war, FDR wanted to stay out of the war as much as posibl. when the war started to happen alot of contries were still in a depresion so he thought it would help america out of the deprestion so if america had to go into war we would have some goods and money to fight. -
Japanese war plane attacks the Panay (American war ship) in China, Japan apologies and pays $ for lives that were killed
the USS panay was built by the united states. it was assigned to the Yangtze patrol of the U.S navy asiatic Fleet, tasked with protecting any american interests in china. the USS pana helped with the evacuation of the American Emabassy staff. on Dec 12, the Japnese aircraft attacked the Pana,killing 63 men. -
Mussolini (Italian dictator) joins Hitler and becomes Alli
night of broken glass
this day in history is horific and a scare in world histoy. the day known as the night of broken glass was when germans went out and damaged Jewish peoples livly hodes. the Germans burglarized 7,500 businesses, 10,000 or mor Jews sent ot concentrations camps, and around 200 plus synagogue burned, -
Germany invades Poland
germany wants poland, but Brittian said no. so Germany and Rassia make peace treaty, and they would split poland in half if they both attacked. germanies stratigy was the blitz greag witch means fast and quick. Britain was very nervous about this becasue this might lead into another world war. -
Britain and France declare war
after the invation of France from Germany, Britain finaly declared war because France has ben taken over. Britain asked America for help but America didn't want to get involved in the war because it would start a world war. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was caussed by America and how they were being nutral with the non agrestion act. they attack Pearl Harbor because we made the Lend less act. We gave several weapons to Britian, the Japanese did not like this, They say that the discoverd that Japan was going to attack, and they told FDR that an attack was going to be made by Hawaii.The ships were stationed in Hawaii, but when Japan attack it was to late. after the attack America lost 18 ships, 300 planes, and 3,500 men died.