Mussolini Becomes Prime Minister Of Italy
Mussolini becomes the Prime Minister of Italy by force. -
Stalin Comes To Power (day and month are false)
Stalin becomes the new leader of Russia. He becomes one of the most powerful people in the world with tons of power in his hands. -
Period: to
Jewish people or people not part of the aryan race are sent to concentration camps to do labor. People were tortured and killed in these camps. -
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Hitler is made the new chancellor of Germany, and is given tons of power over the country. He starts his master plan and the Nazis take over. -
Invasion Of Poland And The Start of WWII
Russia and Germany sign an agreement in which they cannot attack each other for ten years and attack Poland and split the profit. This results in the start of World War II. -
Lend-Lease Act Is Passed In The US
The U.S. military starts to help foreign nations during WWII. -
Pearl Harbor Attack
Japan bombs the United States of America as an attempt to wipe out the US naval fleet. Japan does this because of an embargo that the US made. -
America Declares War On Japan
In response to the Peal Harbor bombing from Japan, the US enters WWII and joins the allied powers. -
War Production Board created
An agency of the United States government that supervised war production during WWII is created by Franklin Roosevelt. -
Executive Order 9066
Anyone who was German, Japanese, or Italian who lived in America were sent to Concentration camps (Not the harmful ones) within the United States. -
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Iwo Jima
A battle between the United States and Japan to control an island called Iwo Jima. The United States wins the battle. -
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Operation Torch (North Africa)
A British-American invasion of French North Africa. -
A huge battle between the allied and axis powers on a heavily fortified French Coastline. The allies break through the fortification and win the battle. -
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A huge battle between the allied powers and Japan for control over an island called Okinawa. The allies win the battle, and the end of the battle resulted in the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. -
Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb
Since Japan refuses to surrender, The US bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing tons of people as a way to force Japan into retreating. -
End of WWII
Japan surrenders, and WWII is done. The allied powers win the war .